Trying to make VK_KHR_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_EXTENSION work too. Working well when the import and the export are done in the same process. But I am not sure if what I try has been already done, I cannot find any example and I don't think that the test code is testing that too. I want one process that creates a VkBuffer, populate it and export it / share the FD. After, IN ANOTHER PROCESS, I try to import that VkBuffer. I have different trouble, depending on whether it is tested under Windows or Linux. Under Linux, I got VK_OUT_OF_MEMORY at vkAllocateMemory call. On Windows, I sometimes have no error but only '0' or noise as payload, sometime error about a mismatch in the size of the memory (but a size that exists somewhere else in the producer app) so look like if the FD (HANDLE) was referring to another 'random' resource. I also tried to call DuplicatHandle on 'consumer / import side' but in that case, I receive an error about "invalid Handle" from DuplicatHandle.