Friends, I tried 1-2 programs with a Programmer (ST-LINK V2) on a Project card with Stm32F100c6, I turned the LED on and off.. Then I started not being able to connect to STM32F? But the blink application I put in it continues to work. So there is no fault. I was programming with Software Reset mode. I was only programming with SWDIO SWCLK GND VCC legs After a lot of adaptation, I was able to connect to STM32F in Core Reset mode by pulling the NRST pin to GND. When I press and hold the Reset button and connect, it connects occasionally but gives an error most of the time.. (Error: No STM32 target found!) How can I get it back to its old state, that is, to the settings that would connect when I said direct connect. (Software Reset) Can you please help me. I need to do some exercise this weekend?