I also have a similar problem, I set TenantId value inside the constructor, but migration does not works, Can not creates an instance public TenantDbContext(DbContextOptions<TenantDbContext> options, IMemoryCache memoryCache, IHttpContextData contextData, ICryptography cryptography, IConfiguration configuration, IDbUtilities dbUtilities, ISharedLocalizer sharedLocalizer, SeedStatikReferanslar seedStatikReferanslar, SeedRefTip seedSystemReferanslar, SeedReferanslar seedReferanslar, bool DoNotSeedDB = false) : base(options) { _memoryCache = memoryCache; _contextData = contextData; _seedStatikReferanslar = seedStatikReferanslar; _configuration = configuration; _dbUtilities = dbUtilities; _seedSystemReferanslar = seedSystemReferanslar; _seedReferanslar = seedReferanslar; DoNotSeed = DoNotSeedDB; _cryptography = cryptography; _sharedLocalizer = sharedLocalizer; CurrentSingleDbMode = contextData.SingleDbMode; CurrentTenantId = contextData.TenantId; }
i need those two current values for singledatabase tenants and global query, app is working like it should be but migration doesn't , is anyone have any solution ?