just found your very old question here. I have come to the same question while playing around with modern dotnet aspire and other stuff ...
So I am very interested if and how you came to an answer/conclusion to this issue over the last 6 years :-D !
Do you know any Best Practices or examples for this Abstraction?
Trying to implement a Quick and Dirty Abstraction one has to think of
If and how to 'transport' the 'Unit-of-Work' & Caching/Repository aspects of the DbContext to the Client Side of a REST-API (-> I know this would no longer be pure stateless REST, but who cares if it works ;-)....)
use simple 'per Record' CRUD and take care of Data consistency in Business layer
... for sure there is a lot of other stuff to consider ... but this is exactly my motivation to write here, because I feel your "I'm a lazy person" here. And why invent something on your own if you can find already proofed solutions ....