I am getting the same issue but in my case I am suing the same system for running all the nodes. For now I am using my laptop and the topics are being published but I am still getting the error " [ WARN] [1732588552.042911353]: The stereo_inertial_publisher/stereo/points observation buffer has not been updated for 26.27 seconds, and it should be updated every 0.50 seconds. ostopic hz /stereo_inertial_publisher/stereo/points subscribed to [/stereo_inertial_publisher/stereo/points] average rate: 10.207 min: 0.070s max: 0.148s std dev: 0.02076s window: 10 average rate: 9.986 min: 0.027s max: 0.159s std dev: 0.02828s window: 19 average rate: 9.983 min: 0.027s max: 0.159s std dev: 0.02556s window: 30 average rate: 9.994 min: 0.027s max: 0.159s std dev: 0.02274s window: 40 average rate: 10.005 min: 0.027s max: 0.159s std dev: 0.02161s window: 50
Can you please help me how i figure it out?