Date: 2024-11-26 22:23:24
Score: 7.5 🚩
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I have the same code but for all certificates I'm getting this certStatus. As I know from RFC2560 specification the tagNumber: 2 means status uknown. Can you help me with that, where is the issue? Thank you in advance

certStatus: Primitive {
    blockLength: 2,
    error: '',
    warnings: [],
    valueBeforeDecodeView: Uint8Array(2) [ 130, 0 ],
    name: '',
    optional: false,
    idBlock: LocalIdentificationBlock {
      blockLength: 1,
      error: '',
      warnings: [],
      valueBeforeDecodeView: Uint8Array(0) [],
      isHexOnly: false,
      valueHexView: Uint8Array(0) [],
      tagClass: 3,
      tagNumber: 2,
      isConstructed: false
    lenBlock: LocalLengthBlock {
      blockLength: 1,
      error: '',
      warnings: [],
      valueBeforeDecodeView: Uint8Array(0) [],
      isIndefiniteForm: false,
      longFormUsed: false,
      length: 0
    valueBlock: LocalPrimitiveValueBlock {
      blockLength: 0,
      error: '',
      warnings: [Array],
      valueBeforeDecodeView: Uint8Array(0) [],
      isHexOnly: true,
      valueHexView: Uint8Array(0) []

And here is the example request

const res = await checkCertificateWithOcsp({
    responderURL: "http://ocsp-qa.hubject.com:8080",
    serialNumber: "70D1D93DFED232C9E92DB26F3A0B5462",

  • Blacklisted phrase (0.5): Thank you
  • Blacklisted phrase (1): help me
  • RegEx Blacklisted phrase (3): Thank you in advance
  • RegEx Blacklisted phrase (3): Can you help me
  • Long answer (-1):
  • Has code block (-0.5):
  • Contains question mark (0.5):
  • Low reputation (1):
Posted by: cYsecoR