Date: 2024-12-04 05:25:47
Score: 4.5
Natty: 4
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How can I apply the CEIL in an ABAP SQL statement?, for example, first I want to make a SUM and then I'd like to do a CEIL in the same column.


IF so_auart[] IS INITIAL. SELECT A~Material, "A~FecCreacion, A~ClaseDoc, SUM( A~CantPedidoUMV ) AS CantPedidoUMV, SUM( B~StockLibreUMV ) AS StockLibreUMV, B~UMVenta INTO TABLE @it_data FROM ZMATITEST2 AS A LEFT JOIN ZMARDV002 AS B ON B~Material = A~Material WHERE FecCreacion IN @so_erdat GROUP BY A~Material, "A~FecCreacion, A~ClaseDoc, B~UMVenta.

  • Blacklisted phrase (0.5): How can I
  • RegEx Blacklisted phrase (1): I want
  • Long answer (-0.5):
  • No code block (0.5):
  • Contains question mark (0.5):
  • User mentioned (1): @it_data
  • User mentioned (0): @so_erdat
  • Starts with a question (0.5): How can I
  • Low reputation (1):
Posted by: Zanguinetti