Date: 2024-12-14 21:30:16
Score: 5
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Thanks to the suggestion in the comments and in particular the tip of @Homer512 I have come to this solution, please tell me if you think it could be done better.

// shape.cuh
#pragma once

#include <variant>
#include "sphere.cuh"

using Shape = std::variant<Sphere>;
#pragma once

#include "ray.cuh"
#include "vec3.cuh"

class Sphere {
  __host__ __device__ Sphere(const Vec3 &center, float radius);
  __device__ auto hit(const Ray &r) const -> bool;

  Vec3 center;
  float radius;

h_shapes initialized as

const std::vector<Shape> &h_shapes = scene->getShapes();
  const size_t num_shapes = h_shapes.size();
  Shape *d_shapes;
  CUDA_ERROR_CHECK(cudaMalloc((void **)&d_shapes, num_shapes * sizeof(Shape)));
  CUDA_ERROR_CHECK(cudaMemcpy(d_shapes, h_shapes.data(),
                              num_shapes * sizeof(Sphere),

and finally the device function to get the color

template <class... Ts> struct overload : Ts... {
  using Ts::operator()...;

__device__ auto getColor(const Ray &ray, const Shape *shapes,
                         const size_t num_shapes) -> uchar4 {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_shapes; i++) {
    bool hit = std::visit(
            [&ray](const Sphere &s) { return s.hit(ray); },

    if (hit) {
      return make_uchar4(1, 0, 0, UCHAR_MAX);
  return make_uchar4(0, 0, 1, UCHAR_MAX);

Here I don't really like the fact that for each new shape I have to write the [&ray](const Sphere/Cube/Pyramid &s) { return s.ray(ray) } when I already have defined a type that represents the union of multiple shapes

  • Blacklisted phrase (0.5): Thanks
  • RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2.5): please tell me
  • RegEx Blacklisted phrase (1): I have come to this solution, please
  • Long answer (-1):
  • Has code block (-0.5):
  • User mentioned (1): @Homer512
  • Self-answer (0.5):
  • Low reputation (1):
Posted by: glowl