Date: 2024-12-17 17:17:30
Score: 10 🚩
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I have similar issue where I am trying to open controlDesk 7.0 and facing the below error Traceback (most recent call last): IDispatch = pythoncom.connect(IDispatch) pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221021, 'Operation unavailable', None, None)

I have given permission in DCOM Config but still facing the issue. Can somebody guide me what else setting I need to make in Jenkins (remember to add your Jenkins user name and set full permission.)

  • Blacklisted phrase (1): guide me
  • Blacklisted phrase (0.5): I need
  • Blacklisted phrase (1): I am trying to
  • Blacklisted phrase (1): I have similar
  • RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2.5): Can somebody guide me what
  • No code block (0.5):
  • Me too answer (2.5): I have similar issue
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Posted by: NIKHIL