Were you able to fix this? I'm running into the same issue, and all I can find is that Cloud Run only supports HTTP and HTTPS communication (even though you can use service probes in TCP)
I get 403 Forbidden error but couldn't follow your solution because I was not able to locate the .m3u8 entry.
Not sure if the policy allows to share the video link here. Please let me know if any further details needed.
Blacklisted phrase (1): video link
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2.5): Please let me know
O código que você forneceu está correto para usar botões de opção (radio buttons) em um formulário, mas se está permitindo várias seleções, provavelmente há um problema relacionado a como o formulário está sendo manipulado no seu código ou na interação com ele.
Aqui estão alguns pontos que você pode verificar para corrigir o problema:
1- Garantir que os botões de opção tenham o mesmo "name": Eles têm o mesmo "name" ("choice"), o que deve permitir que apenas uma seleção seja feita. Isso já está correto no seu código.
2-Verificar se o formulário não está sendo manipulado via JavaScript ou outro código que altere o comportamento dos botões de opção.
3-Verificar se o HTML está corretamente renderizado no navegador. Em alguns casos, problemas de cache ou de renderização podem causar comportamentos inesperados.
In my situation, the issue was related to the version I was trying to install.
ngx-markdown version 19.0.0 requires Angular 19, whereas my project was using Angular 18.2.13. Therefore, the correct version of ngx-markdown for my project was 18.1.0.
For those facing a similar issue, you can check the compatible versions of ngx-markdown based on your Angular version at the following link.
I have a problem there too. but in my case, when I want to render an image for the splash screen, what appears on the splash screen is an image for the icon. does anyone have the same problem?
Heres my app.json
I have similar issue where I am trying to open controlDesk 7.0 and facing the below error
Traceback (most recent call last):
IDispatch = pythoncom.connect(IDispatch)
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221021, 'Operation unavailable', None, None)
I have given permission in DCOM Config but still facing the issue. Can somebody guide me what else setting I need to make in Jenkins (remember to add your Jenkins user name and set full permission.)
Blacklisted phrase (1): guide me
Blacklisted phrase (0.5): I need
Blacklisted phrase (1): I am trying to
Blacklisted phrase (1): I have similar
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2.5): Can somebody guide me what
Trying to connect my lightsail with terminal is not showing me terminal I don't know if anyone can help me out where I can find the terminal in AWs lightsail environment
almost 3 years after your post, no one has responded? and I am in the exact same problem as well with the following versions:
"pinia": "^2.1.7",
"vue": "^3.4.29",
"vue-router": "^4.3.3"
Hello brother did you get the solutions ?
because i am also working on video editing and using ffmpeg.
i want instant/intermidiate/realtime change in my video
how to achieve this ?
Blacklisted phrase (1): how to achieve
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (3): did you get the solution
Thanks to everyone for giving me the suggestions. I was hoping to just use a VBA Macro and a button on Excel to just generate the current month. But I didnt figure that out, however the formulas given did help me out.
I used:
=SUM('Day 1:Day 30'!A1)
With some of our daily reports being for 200+ day projects, we will just use the last day (i.e. 195) and subtract the number of days in the month (i.e. 30).
=SUM('Day 165:Day 195'!A1) and get the values needed.
Where do I implement the information about the AD against which I want
to authenticate the user?
That's what I'm trying to work out as well. It seems all MS examples are trying to push everyone to use Azure, and the rest are for the cloud/cross domain. Did you ever work it out?
What is the difference between implementing Azure AD (AAD) and on-premise AD when it comes to configuring the application?
If its on-premise and AD, then you don't have deal with cloud related config, dependencies, issues, etc.
Which roles play OpenId Connect (OIDC) and OAuth, are the necessary or
They are for when you use an external provider for authentication. Not needed for on-premise AD.
Do I get a JSON web token (JWT) from the on-premise AD?
No, that's really for cross domain. You wouldn't need JWT and to be passing a token around. JWT still needs to store authentication details somewhere (to be repeatedly accessed and checked on each request). Which is what you would use AD directly for instead. On-premise AD is your stored authentication (and authorisation) repository.
Did you ever find a working solution to do on-premise AD authentication from a .Net Core WebApi app? Should be common, but there doesn't seem to be a clear example anywhere online that isn't infected with Azure, cloud, JWT or Identity dependencies and complications (and there must be). I have come across many others asking the same question and no answer. I will keep looking and trying to piece together my own solution.
I found your post because I have a similar problem. I know its 4 years later but maybe you see this:D
the task priority I understand is just a priority system between multiple seize blocks no? so if I use agent.priority as task priority the last agent enterering the seize block sets the task priority of this seize block to x.. but within the agents waiting in the queue integrated inthe seize block there is no priority system..
thats at least how I understand it.. If I have 10 agents waiting in the queue of a seize block, i want the agent.priority parameter to determine 1. which agent is first in the queue and 2nd this agent.priority shall set the task priority of this seize block..
I am also facing same issue where the zip size should be as expected but while unzipping only last chunk data is visible. I have written the backend through java.
Reference: https://www.baeldung.com/aws-s3-multipart-upload
Please post the solution if found.
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2.5): Please post the solution
Hello i have the same problem, but i can not fix it. I have tried the solution it has not fix the problem and i have tried different things and from the different things i have the error code 42 javac not found
I am facing the same issue inside Docker. I tried setting RUN yarn config set registry https://registry.npmmirror.com/ --global but it did not work for me.
I have done all the trouble shooting, even after reinstalling the node.js, installed same version, also reclone the project from github, but still getting the error: npm ERR! TAR_BAD_ARCHIVE: Unrecognized archive format
ong feelings about promises. They can almost certainly migrate to the native JavaScript promise now. Thank you literally everyone for joining me in this bet against the odds. Be excellent to each other.
npm WARN deprecated
npm WARN deprecated (For a CapTP with native promises, see @endo/eventual-send and @endo/captp)
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This package is no longer supported.
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This package is no longer supported.
npm WARN cleanup Failed to remove some directories [
npm WARN cleanup [
npm WARN cleanup 'D:\\Official Projects\\vionsys-HRMS\\node_modules\\resolve',
npm WARN cleanup [Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, rmdir 'D:\Official Projects\vionsys-HRMS\node_modules\resolve\test\list-exports\packages\tests\fixtures\resolve-2\project\test\resolver\multirepo\packages'] {
npm WARN cleanup errno: -4048,
npm WARN cleanup code: 'EPERM',
npm WARN cleanup syscall: 'rmdir',
npm WARN cleanup path: 'D:\\Official Projects\\vionsys-HRMS\\node_modules\\resolve\\test\\list-exports\\packages\\tests\\fixtures\\resolve-2\\project\\test\\resolver\\multirepo\\packages'
npm WARN cleanup }
npm WARN cleanup ]
npm WARN cleanup ]
npm ERR! TAR_BAD_ARCHIVE: Unrecognized archive format
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: C:\Users\Netizens\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2024-12-17T11_06_56_641Z-debug-0.log
Please Provide any suggestions.
have you solved your issue?
i have similar issue on retrieving vector store from AWS S3, but i am using faiss as my vector store..
please let me know if you have solution for vector store retrieval from aws s3
Blacklisted phrase (1): i have similar
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2.5): please let me know
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (1.5): solved your issue?
Mastering AWS CloudFront
Do you really need to use CloudFront? The answers would be [ yes/no] . Check out this blog that covers basically everything about cloudfront.
In One Screen I want behaviour like This in Top Bar, How Can I achieve:-
when user scroll up then I want to collapse the Top Bar and when user scroll down then if user achieve the top while scrolling down then I want to appear the Top Bar not every time when user scroll Down?, Please Help me🙏
I have the very same problem here. Are you running your code sequentially? (Not use any parallelism). I'm pretty sure it is a clash between terraand lidR but I was able to run my code using plan(sequential) instead of plan(multisession).
Did you find a workaround? I tried using library directly into the custom function, but it did not work.
where do i have to add this
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
i am runing my project after bundling i got the same error in 0.68 version can you suggest the solution
Blacklisted phrase (0.5): thanks
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2.5): can you suggest the solution
Low length (1):
No code block (0.5):
Starts with a question (0.5): where do i have to add this
This answer was very helpful. Does anyone have any idea why it's working like this? I tried specifying a number for the first day of week parameter and it never changed anything.
Only this solution would work but I'm not sure why. The weekday name is correct when run locally and on a native mode server, but is incorrect when running on a powerbi service unless I use the FirstDayOfWeek.System suggestion. Thanks again
Blacklisted phrase (0.5): Thanks
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (3): Does anyone have any idea
This is the previous period's colours and number can you analyze them and predict what the next colour might be ? Based on your experience and strategy let me know the likely outcome.enter image description here
Blacklisted phrase (1): enter image description here
Que puedo hacer ?? He cambiado como 5 veces de móvil, también de compañías Movistar, Orange y Vodafone. En Movistar cambié de wifi varias veces, antivirus. Siempre me hackea . Es mi ex marido y se hace dueño de mis dispositivos . Viola mi intimidad porque lee todo , ve mis fotografías , en las búsquedas de internet me redirige las búsquedas. Ya no soporto más
I am new too, trying to learn this stuff as well.
Right now I am learning about javascript, in fact we only did codes in javascript to do this kind of stuff.
You can do it in CSS, but it is not recommended.
You should try watching some basic javascript codes to get wanted result.
Make the class that you want to target with javascript, in your CSS and you will get a clean CSS with a nice button function.
I'd really upvote your question, but I can't since i do not have the reputation for it yet, but from my personal experience, this website is not welcoming new people trying to learn.
You'll meet a bunch of old farts here, trying their best to say anything to sound smart, but not answer your question.
Expamle - How to ask your question, fix your punctuation and shit... So, better go on reddit or youtube if you want your answers.
P.S. Respect for the guys who actually are trying to help you, as I've seen here in the replies.
Blacklisted phrase (0.5): upvote
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (1.5): i do not have the reputation
were you able to figure out how to get global decorators on an HTML Storybook project? I am having issues and was wondering if you were successful. Thank in advance for your feedback.
Blacklisted phrase (2): was wondering
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (3): Thank in advance
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (3): were you able to figure out
Is it possible to program specific URL within websites into another URL? For example a specific twitch channel into another channel. If so, is that possible in caso of raids when the URL is filled automatically?
A late reply to this thread but I'm facing the same issue.
To set something with SNMP, I need to put in an OctetString with BITS Syntax.
This are the possibilities:
And combinations are possible.
I don't know how to set only interface5 or interface2, interface3 and interface5 together or how to set all of them together.