After facing this issue where the tabs wouldn't swipe or respond to clicks when parsedResponse was passed as a parameter, I implemented a temporary workaround. Instead of using createMaterialTopTabNavigator, I used a FlatList to replicate the tab UI look and feel.
While this approach doesn't provide the swiping functionality, it allowed me to achieve the desired look. If anyone knows the solution to the original issue or has insights into why this behavior occurs, please share your thoughts.
I'd appreciate any advice or fixes for getting createMaterialTopTabNavigator to work properly with dynamic data passed as a parameter.
I cannot upvote (not enough reputation) Mahmoud answer, but I can confirm that the issue was due to a mismatch between the vm username and the ssh admin_username, which need to match.
The electron-push-receiver library no longer works with Electron for handling push notifications. Is there an alternative solution for implementing push notifications in an Electron app? If so, could you share the steps or tools to make it work effectively?
Is it possible to switch off destination url matching ? We are migrating one broker/sp to another broker/sp so there is a change in redirect url but we don't want to force our customers to change redirect url in their idp.
@Steve We use this process, how could one install this on 2 servers for failover. I'm looking for a way to do this so if one server/ Service crashed the other one on the other server would startup, can one use a share drive somehow?
My account my Facebook account please request my Facebook tubes are my account please recovery please help me my something my please help me come to my Facebook please sir my Facebook name Gamaer Raj please my Facebook [email protected] my Facebook sir please Kitna Kitna bhi mil number hai pura number email kar dijiye private remove kar dijiye please my Facebook team my request
anyone can help me? how i can automate test selenium with python when selector hub says this element is not findable by selenium....
eg: open > reach to search option > then click on All Category available on the left side of search button and select one option available in list through Selenium with Python.
I use my robinhood credentials, the code sends sms to phone number, but I don't get chance to enter the code after I get this error. I don't have much knowledge with this error, I may need some guides to resolve it.
Blacklisted phrase (0.5): How can I
Blacklisted phrase (1): How can I fix this
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (1.5): How can I fix this?
Do you have an example of how to download each file in the OneDrive recursively? I've attempted to enumerate each folder but I've not had success in doing it. Any help is appreciated!
Blacklisted phrase (1): appreciated
Blacklisted phrase (1): Any help
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (3): Any help is appreciated
This issue is showing up when I expose my local host to the public through some tunneling.I am using Rear Application Front End and Back End Server through Node JS. Front End Server is working properly.But the cookies created on the back-end server are not being received correctly through the public tunnel.This is because the tunnel is only exposing the front end properly.This problem is occurring because the backend server is hosted on the same system.This is not a correct origin error.This is a tunneling issue. There is no way to publish cookies outside the local host, i.e., the cookie in the cookie. If it can be done, it may be possible.In my system, the cookies are repeatedly being stored on the local host. Because the cookies are not being transferred through the tunnel and the system is experiencing the cookies as local host.
res.cookie("token", token, {
httpOnly: true, // Prevents JavaScript access
secure: true, // Ensures cookies are sent over HTTPS
sameSite: "None",// Required for cross-origin requests
domain: "", // Replace with your domain (e.g.,
Here I have tried using two tunnels. One for the back end and another for the front end, but it is not working properly. Here is an Used as a subdomain where it is targeted or located to a main domain stream but despite that it is not sending the token anywhere other than the local host.This means that there is no way to pass the token through the tunnel. It is stored only on the local host. This is a major issue.If anyone has an answer, please help.
How to pass cookies cross-origin to a public URL through a tunnel
cross origin error in react js using cloudflear tunnel and also my server hosted in local host port 4000 and my react application host in
cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:4000
Remember the proxy is localhost:4000 And this is a local host back end server only. The front end server is created through a cloud fair tunnel, the back end server is being used directly.But even though everything is working properly, when receiving cookies, it is receiving a localhost token. I need the token to be generated in my Cloud Fair public domain.Additionally, using any other medium is showing a cross-origin error.
Thank you so much "mm8" for these simple but effective steps to creating a self contained executable. I posted an answer because I don't have points to comment but I had to acknowledge your answer.
Filler text (0.5): 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
The files seem to get served when the user is authenticated. But when they sign off, I get a 302 and the CSS file isn't loaded. I imagine this is the same issue? I'm using dotnet 9 in Azure as well.
hey you found an answer to your problem here? also how were you able to use both meta sdk and vuforia at the same time in unity. I am also trying to use external camera for vuforia , Pls guide me to it.
Actually this is not an answer, more like follow up question (because I've yet to have reputation to put up a comment on the highlighted answer).
I also happens to be in a similar situation with you, I basically create a Linux-based image Azure Http Trigger function and wants to deployed it into Azure container function.
May I know how do you deploy the function? Which method/type of azure service did you use?
As for me, I've been trying using the az cli command like this below but so far been unsuccessful and still gets 404 for my endpoints.
Were you able to resolve this xstream exception. I want to send xml through http request and process as string but xstream tries to unmarshall this xml and tries to find equivalent Java object and gives Class
Notresolved exception.
I have the same problem, the computer freezes when i run flutter run and shuts down. I think there is a problem with the build files that I could not solve for two weeks. So have you deleted flutter and android studio, what have you deleted?
Buscando ayuda en Internet encontré la solución que me funcionó para resolver el error: "Plugin [id: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose', version: '1.9.0', apply: false] was not found in any of the following sources:" y la quiero compartir con ustedes.
Es muy fácil, aunque en un principio dolió la cabeza, pero se trata simplemente de eliminar esas líneas en esos 2 archivos.
Los archivos son:
libs.versions.toml: eliminar la línea "kotlin-compose = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose", version.ref = "kotlin" }"
build.gradle.kts (Proyect): eliminar la línea "alias(libs.plugins.kotlin.compose)"
Espero que sea la solución para muchos otros. Saludos.
Hello everyone!
Searching for help on the Internet I found the solution that worked for me to solve the error: "Plugin [id: 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose', version: '1.9.0', apply: false] was not found in any of the following sources:" and I want to share it with you.
It's very easy, although at first it hurt my head, but it's simply a matter of deleting those lines in those 2 files.
The files are:
libs.versions.toml: delete the line "kotlin-compose = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose", version.ref = "kotlin" }"
build.gradle.kts (Project): delete the line "alias(libs.plugins.kotlin.compose)"
I hope it's the solution for many others. Greetings.
It seems that the problem is caused by pm2 not being able to run the new server.ts configuration of 'angular 19'. I hope there will be a solution in the next pm2 release.
I have the same issue with [String] and [Int]. However, I didn't make a new type for each property, but rather made both of them String (each value is separated with a comma) and now with the help of computed properties I can get the necessary value.
Sorry to pump an old thread but this issue is still plaguing Xcode users. I believe it's due to using Migration assistant and the user names being the "Same" but not really the same on the new Mac if you get what I mean. did you solve this?
I encountered a problem while reading the Bochs source code, and I could use some help. Specifically, I'm unsure what BOCHSAPI means. I couldn't find any macro definition for BOCHSAPI, and I also noticed that there’s no such syntax in C/C++. Can anyone help me understand what this is?
It might be a custom preprocessor symbol or a special API flag used within Bochs. You could check if it's defined conditionally in a header file or configuration file that Bochs uses. Sometimes, these types of symbols are defined in build scripts or may depend on certain compilation options. If you can't find it in the source directly, you could look into Bochs documentation or try asking in Bochs development forums.
@ekuusela, @smdsgn hi, I know this is some years ago, but I just discovered that the two suggestions work on laptops and computers, but on mobile phones there is a restriction or limitation.
On mobile phone I cannot enter more than 4 digits in the field. I mean I cannot enter 1234567890 or more. It only allows 4 digits 1234.
Is there a way to improve or work around this limitation while using a mobile phone? Thanks
i have a same problem. I just buy hbvcam ov2710. Buat i cant change the exposure and gain. I try in Skype. The gain and exposure can adjust but nothing was change
I am making something similar to this UI but I am not able to toggle. I have added 2 buttons as math and greek. So what I want is when I click on math then math operators should be loaded and when I click on greek then greek operators should be loaded but each time math operator is loading. I have tried to console.log formulas are changing but not reflecting in UI.
Can you share your math quill code here with toggling functionality. That would be really helpful.enter image description here
Blacklisted phrase (1): I am not able to
Blacklisted phrase (1): enter image description here
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2.5): Can you share your