did you manage to make ot work? I'm facing the same issue and I've been hitting a wall for two days.
Use syncfusion_flutter_charts library for customized line chart
I know this is an older thread. I also know I'm asking a question instead of leaving an answer, but I don't know any other way to get advice for a similar question without asking a duplicate question.
I have a dynamic solution created with VBScript that's similar to Darren's first solution. My users typically have two or more IBM Personal Communications (PCOMM) sessions open on their Desktop to do their daily tasks. Some of those sessions are logged into business proprietary applications and need to be left alone. They also can't use their "A" session as that's their production session. To handle this, I've developed this logic:
Set Connect_Manager = CreateObject("pcomm.autECLConnMgr")
Set autECLConnList = CreateObject("PCOMM.autECLConnList")
Set ObjEmulator = CreateObject("pcomm.auteclsession")
Num = autECLConnList.Count
PrevNum = Num
If Num = 0 Then
MsgBox "You must have at least two PCOMM sessions open to use this tool." & vbnewline & vbnewline & "Program is now terminating.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation + vbSystemModal, "No Session Error"
WScript.Echo "EXIT"
End If
strSession = autECLConnList(Num).Name
ObjEmulator.SetConnectionByName (strSession)
Window_Title = ObjEmulator.autECLWinMetrics.WindowTitle
If InStr(Window_Title, "HOSTORS") <> 0 Or strSession = "A" Or InStr(Window_Title, "NDB") <> 0 Then
Set ObjEmulator = Nothing
Loop_Count = 1
ResEmulator = "No"
PrevNum = PrevNum - 1
If PrevNum = 0 Then
MsgBox "You need to have more than one session open." & vbnewline & "Program is now terminating.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation + vbSystemModal, "One Session Error"
WScript.Echo "EXIT"
strSession = autECLConnList(PrevNum).Name
If strSession = "A" Then
MsgBox "You cannot use your production (A) session." & vbnewline & "Please open another session." & vbnewline & "Program is now terminating.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation + vbSystemModal, "Production Session Error"
WScript.Echo "EXIT"
Exit Do
Set ObjEmulator = CreateObject("pcomm.auteclsession")
ObjEmulator.SetConnectionByName (strSession)
Window_Title = ObjEmulator.autECLWinMetrics.WindowTitle
If InStr(Window_Title, "NDB") <> 0 Or InStr(Window_Title, "HOSTORS") <> 0 Then
Set ObjEmulator = Nothing
ResEmulator = "Yes"
End If
End If
End If
Loop_Count = Loop_Count + 1
If Loop_Count = 10 Then
MsgBox "Unable to connect to a session." & vbnewline & "Please make sure you have working sessions." & vbnewline & "Program is now terminating.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation + vbSystemModal, "Production Session Error"
WScript.Echo "EXIT"
Exit Do
End If
Loop Until ResEmulator = "Yes"
End If
My department is moving away from VBScript and towards C#.NET. I've created a VERY similar version of the VBScript code.
AutConnList autECLConnList = new AutConnList();
AutConnMgr Connect_Manager = new AutConnMgr();
AutSess ObjEmulator = new AutSess();
int Num = autECLConnList.Count;
int PrevNum = Num;
if (Num == 0)
MessageBox.Show("You must have at least two PCOMM sessions open to use this tool." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Program is now terminating.", "No Session Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1,
string strSession = autECLConnList[Num].Name;
string Window_Title = ObjEmulator.autECLWinMetrics.WindowTitle;
if (Window_Title.IndexOf("HOSTORS") == 0 || strSession == "A" || Window_Title.IndexOf("NDB") == 0)
ObjEmulator = null;
int Loop_Count = 1;
string ResEmulator = "No";
PrevNum -= 1;
if (PrevNum == 0)
MessageBox.Show("You need to have more than one session open." + Environment.NewLine + "Program is now terminating.", "One Session Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly);
strSession = autECLConnList[PrevNum].Name;
if (strSession == "A")
MessageBox.Show("You cannot use your production (A) session." + Environment.NewLine + "Please open another session." + Environment.NewLine + "Program is now terminating.", "Production Session Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly);
AutSess ObjEmulator = new AutSess();
Window_Title = ObjEmulator.autECLWinMetrics.WindowTitle;
if (Window_Title.IndexOf("HOSTORS") > 0 || Window_Title.IndexOf("NDB") > 0)
ObjEmulator = null;
ResEmulator = "Yes";
if (Loop_Count == 10)
MessageBox.Show("Unable to connect to a session." + Environment.NewLine + "Please make sure you have working sessions." + Environment.NewLine + "Program is now terminating.", "Production Session Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly);
} while (ResEmulator == "Yes");
My issue is I'm getting the CS0136 - A local or parameter named 'ObjEmulator' cannot be declared in this scope because that name is used in an enclosing local scope to define a local or parameter
when I'm trying to redeclare AutSess ObjEmulator = new AutSess();
. I'm looking for a similar way to keep this dynamic like the VBScript code. Since ObjEmulator = null;
doesn't fully kill the object in C#.NET like Set ObjEmulator = Nothing
does in VBScript, does anyone have advice on how this can be done?
have you fixed this problem or not?
Same issue, same stack. Anyone solve?
If you're looking for the cheapest setup with minimal traffic, here's a combination you can try:
AWS Lambda to run your API backend.
Amazon S3 + CloudFront to serve static content (HTML/CSS/JS).
Amazon Aurora Serverless (MySQL or PostgreSQL) or RDS (MySQL/PostgreSQL) for the database.
This would significantly reduce costs as you only pay for usage, and all infrastructure management is handled by AWS. Total costs could be around $10-30/month depending on your exact usage.
Or like you mentioned, GoDaddy would be a simpler/cheaper route, but may cost you the flexibility.
If this solution works for you, please consider marking the answer as accepted to help others who might have a similar question. Thanks!
I have the same problem, I have done everything possible to fix this problem and still not rendering the server in frontend
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
Is there any documentation describing how to "use BitBucket web hooks to create a merged branch like github does"?
I've tried a ton of different options to get TC to trigger a build when a BitBucket Cloud PR is opened to no avail. This looks like a good solution but I'm not particularly fluent in webhooks.
it is done and worked? i check the link it is worked, how? can you explain how it work? i get same error too
Did you get this to work? I'm in a similar situation with my iis applications. The application calling the other application is always identified as app pool user in the second one
I think you have to reauthenticate your user and then change the email and then send a verification mail
Have you tried creating a calculated field "Evaluate Expression" directly in Workday?
I want to run my next14 application forever how to do it using pm2? Basically requirement is that there will be no internet access, client just want to run on his local machine.
I tried route53 method but my site is not live yet this is image of my hosted zon
you can follow this link to solved it: https://www.cubebackup.com/docs/tutorials/gcp-allow-service-account-key-creation/
Any update with the idea of getting the .pdf directly ?? I am stuck with that rn !!
how is your OpenAPI spec defined? You need to define the security scheme as being a client_credentials oauth flow
That said... it looks like the generator your using does't have support for Oauth2 client credentials
Disclaimer that I work for the company, but Speakeasy generates a pydantic-based client, and does have support for OAuth2. You can maintain one SDK free. I would give it a look.
Any update. How you fixed it ?
I am curious, can't this be achieved by MERGE?
Check if your Client ID and Secret is expired.
@nikunj-kakadiya This is not Spark-specific. This is Databricks Unity Catalog specific.
UTL_MATCH doesn't run in parallel by default, see this answer for details:
There is a Google guide on this: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/html/templates?hl=en#pushing_variables_to_templates
Does not work for me. As soon as I hit the play_obj.pause() statement the program exit with no messages!?
Hey there Christian Noble 🤪👋🏾..
is this the resource you are looking for?: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/azurerm/latest/docs/resources/monitor_autoscale_setting.
Recently neo4j partnered with Bigquery to create this, maybe it will help you
In my React Native project, I want to use GitLab CI to automatically run lint checks and tests for every merge request. After that, I want to generate an APK for the branch I've committed to and send it to specific people on Slack. Is this possible?
This issue occurred after upgrading Spring Boot from 3.2.x to 3.3.x.
it works only If dateA and dateB are in the same node. but If they are in two diffents nodes ? can we use the same function
I am trying to integrate the same with my application, how to initiate a call to to EFT API to perform a transaction.
I have the same problem, but no solution yet
This link help for me to resolve this issue: https://kayart.dev/how-to-add-custom-filters-to-the-wordpress-users-table/
is it solved? if yes then how, i am also facing this same error please help.
I am also encountering the same issue when trying to register through FIDO2 everything works fine, but when i try to login the user it shows "There aren't any passkey for app in this device". Have you found the solution for this?
im facing similar issue. Just wondering - how do you filter by LasrModified if this is not supported by the aws sdk ?
We came across the same issue today (too many requests, c3p0, mysql 5 -> 8). Were you able to solve it? Thanks
Thanks for code, I would never be able to do it looking at it.
You could target the billing country code instead of targeting the first 2 characters from the VAT code.
How could I do that?
Use REST API and call it from the web browser.
this code is removing default email notifications - for both - customer and admin. How we can still have email notifications for customer with new order (on hold/processing) and for admin (with new order details)? And these two new statuses firing email on status change?
Seems to be fixed in Xcode 16/iOS 18
Why don't you try reinstalling your npm globally using this command npm install -g npm
is this applies for .net 8 also?
Not working
Module connected, but not connected!
What wrong with Postgre?
I am facing the same problem; did you get any solution for it?
For anyone else facing a similar issue. The issue will arise if you are running using a profile configured in another user. The config file should be in same user's ~/.aws directory.
If you have switched to another user when running the command it will try to find the profile of that user
You can see this,it worked fine for me. https://www.reddit.com/r/rprogramming/comments/1ct8rma/missing_library_functions_and_unresolved_symbols/
I have add data-ref attribute to the cells of the ag-grid but the problem is that my table is really big and when I scroll down or expand the grid I don't this attribute on the cells which were not visible on the start of application. Any help with this ?
I'm having the same issue here, PowerShell 5 managed to parse my website but my Python script (I'm using scrapy lib) is getting redirected somewhere else. Any result from your search showing why this happens??
I have acually (14.10.2024) the same problem even with the newest update for visual studio when I edit javascript. Syntax highlighting really works up to code line 10000 and from line 10001 on all the code is in same color (no syntactical diffentiations by color)... This would not be so a big problem, but: It seems to me, that at runtime, i now get error messages (from the console-logs of the browsers) which reference code lines absolute unlogic in relation to the source code... So I thnik, that may be not only the syntax highlighting is confused but the whole source-code-line-numbering. I dont want to use "sytax fixers" and "large file viewers" etc. I think that this seems to be a fundamental problem which should be solved in a gener way!!! Waht can I do?
It's a community bug, 2.47 and before is fine https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/issues/15147
Hey I am on the same issue as you can you help me
this is my ssh tunnel tool by rust, maybe it can help you.
enter image description here В имени администратора или пользователя к базе данных есть символы, одна из причин.
What if put all the task on ScheduledExecutorService , but then if server goes off or server get updates and restarts there task which i have give to threads will be lost is there , any solution for this
Did you find a solution to this problem?
What i did was : https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-64781/Allow-auto-completion-for-plain-text-files-to-be-disabled
Settings/Preferences -> General -> Editor -> Code Completion
disable all plugin which allow to auto complete but make sure to turn it on when required
I had exactly this problem and @Abel Rodríguez solution worked. I have no clue why this is happening. If someone has more insight and could possibly explain it?
Has anyone been able to accomplish this in Java Selenium. There is no "AddUserProfilePreference" method in java...
use wxAutoExcel, it is easy and have sample in there
link github: https://github.com/PBfordev/wxAutoExcel
Apart from Thisaru's answer, do you have a MySQL db running locally? Can you verify it by connecting via CLI?
mysql -h localhost -P 3306 -u root -p
USE testdb;
I tried Hoshomoh's solution, however, when I'm doing it, the system can't tell the difference between /breweries/:id and /breweries/submit.
Is there a way to get around this?
you are should in correct folder path
Have you made any progress on this? I'm just starting a project based on this: building an SSH + VPN tunnel.
have you found the way to do it yet? I'm running into a similar problem with this agent.
I use python so I don't know. Are you sure you have the most recent version of .net?
Would it be possible to do the opposite? That is receive the email using aws ses with a .zip file as it's attachment and save it to an s3 bucket?
Did you find the answer? I am also looking for same question answer but haven’t find it yet.
How do you resolve this? I'm having the same issue
just pip install win32security
You may check this out https://github.com/marketplace/actions/rerun-checks
this plugin will rerun the check by its name
I'm currently having same issue, how can I sole it
If u need me to provide my code let me know. Thanks
Go look at my question and answer at How do you open multiple new tabs with target=_blank and have each in a seperate tab?
should give you some idea as to what is happening.
@marcinj Can you answer as an unit-test?
I dont recommend unit testing thread correction of your code, how do you know how long such test would have to last? 2s, 10minutes or 10h? Maybe it would fail after a 12h of testing. Currently it fails after few seconds in multithreaded environment, but there are other subtle errors.
The truth is if you would code it to the moment it starts working correctly, you would probably end up with implementation similar to the one from the java.util.concurrent.Executors, so why dont you just reuse what is well tested and official.
As for testing, I suggest checking other things, like if the exception reporting in your class works as intended (errorHandler). Maybe if some scheduled work finishes before executeUntilDeplated.
Below is my try to rewrite your code with Executors thread pool:
package org.example;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class DepleatingFiFoThreadPool<A> {
public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DepleatingFiFoThreadPool.class.getCanonicalName());
private final ExecutorService executor;
private final Consumer<Throwable> errorHandler;
private final String prefix;
private final Consumer<A> invoker;
public DepleatingFiFoThreadPool(final int threadsRunningMax, final Consumer<Throwable> errorHandler,
final String prefix, final Consumer<A> invoker) {
this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.invoker = invoker;
this.executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadsRunningMax, new ThreadFactory() {
private int count = 0;
public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
Thread t = new Thread(r, prefix + "-Thread-" + (++count));
t.setUncaughtExceptionHandler((thread, e) -> {
try {
} catch (Throwable ta) {
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, ta.getMessage(), ta);
return t;
public void addAndStartThread(final A notRunningThread, final String threadPostfix) {
executor.submit(() -> {
Thread.currentThread().setName(prefix + "-Thread-" + threadPostfix); // Set thread name per task
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
// note: this blocks any exceptions to be passed to errorHandler, is this intentional?
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Task execution error", e);
public boolean executeUntilDeplated(long timeoutMs) throws InterruptedException {
return executor.awaitTermination(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
were you able to find a solution? having the same issue with multiple websites when running my script in EC2.
I found this which might help, still searching for a clear answer though: https://www.awesomeacf.com/extension/permalinks/
I've been working independently on a solution for this problem and now have a working proof-of-concept using real data to demonstrate it. I did a search to see if anyone else was addressing this challenge, and came up with this rather old thread.
Happy to share my link, algorithms etc if there is still any interest?
I am using @okta/okta-react. I am using the signIn method. Yes, the response has factors with enroll methods. But if you enroll in one factor, further responses no longer include the other factors. How do you use okta-react to enroll in more than one factor at a time?
how to run a excel data name weight height age in csv file run into R
I have similar requirement. If I have null dated record along with other dated records for same empl id, I need to pick only null dated record.
If there are say two records with date and no null dated records for same empl id then I need to fetch max date.
How can I achieve this?
I was also facing this issue and tried some stuffs but switching back to nodejs 18 LTS version has helped and now applications are running fine.
I also want to scrape fxstreet.com/news but i just can not connect to the server. i have tried it with requests, playwright, selenium but nothing work. Do you have the same problem? (I just want to confirm the problem source. Thank you)
l33t h4ck0r5 !!!!111OneOneEleven
this was my situation:
(venv)>> python manage.py runserver !!! but permission denied: python
after many searches finally i cant find the solution. i am in ubuntu 24.04. suddenly i try python3 inplace of python in command and it worked
(venv)>> python3 manage.py runserver
Me gustaría saber con quién puedo hablar dentro de tu empresa Btnkumar para comentar la posibilidad de que aparezcáis en prensa. Hemos conseguido que negocios como el tuyo sean publicados en periódicos como La Vanguardia o La Razón, entre muchos otros.
Aparecer en periódicos digitales es una solución de gran valor para vosotros porque os permitirá: Mejorar vuestro posicionamiento y visibilidad en los buscadores, incrementar la confianza que transmitís cuando vuestros clientes os busquen en internet y diferenciaros de la competencia.
Nuestro precio es de 195e. Te puedo enseñar ejemplos y casos de éxito para que veas cómo funciona. Ofrecemos devolución del dinero si no conseguimos resultados.
¿Cuándo te iría mejor que te llamáramos? Puedes reservar una llamada con nosotros: https://calendly.com/prensa-digital/15min
Un saludo.
Cloning https://github.com/Lamprecht/perl-tk.git ... FAIL ! Failed cloning git repository https://github.com/Lamprecht/perl-tk.git ! Couldn't find module or a distribution https://github.com/Lamprecht/[email protected]
You can try using a border pane :
Worked like a charm! How to extract the text within the squares? Tried pytesseract with no much success.
I am working on a similar project where I am trying to develop a algotrading software which works on TV indicators. I am looking for colab as I need help on a lot of things. Please let me know if you are willing to collab as you seem knowledgable about indicators and I have a really successful strategy in progress.
it's possible with mediarecorder and canvas. here is an example https://smartcamforsocialnetworks.com/
same problem here... This parameter doesn't seem to be doing anything at all. Results are simply based on geolocation. I can see by simply switching countries through my VPN
is your issue solved? I got the same issue, can you share the solution with me? thanks
Here is a GitHub post that answer the question https://gist.github.com/ultragtx/6831eb04dfe9e6ff50d0f334bdcb847d
I am running into same problem. As you mentioned. I tried above comment's solution but it didn't work. Was your problem solved? How did you solve it?
In your security group add an inbound rule with source on port 443.
Thank you @AshleyJ for your help
Use a Bluetooth wifi bridge or router
אני יודע איך לעשות את זה תשלח לי את הקובץ המלא PAC ואני ידגים לך