I have the same error with command
pod spec lint
When I run my project with Xcode or with command
npx react-native run-android
all it works.
why don't you create an Enum ? it's a lot cleaner than this. You get a drop list with 3 lines of code on the view.
resolve npm install @reduxjs/toolkit@^1.9.6
#2SAT is in P
this paper is on IPFS - this is the http-gateway:
Turns out I needed to create an HTML folder in the root of my project and drop the vacuum.ogg file in that folder.
Well. But that to do in case i do not want to press so many buttons ? I just want to press Shift + Insert like i did a lot of years. Also how to use f1, f2, f3 buttons by default without necessary to press Fn + ESC first ?
I use satechi keyboard with Linux mint.
Please advice
I tried the one line command Get-ChildItem "." | ForEach-Object { Compress-Archive -path $.Name -destinationPath "$($.Name).zip"} it works however it keeps the previous extension as well e.g if the filename is abc.csv it is now converted to abc.csv.zip is there anyway to just get abc.zip?
Did you manage to find a solution on this one? I have the exact same issue that
@9_Dave_9 described.
Thank you, the extra taking of one number of the seeded sequence explains the puzzle :-)
No You can't
did you happend to find the solution ?
could you solve this issue? I'm having the same problem when using "as the user viewing the report" when connecting the the data source.
Check this link out, Migrating data from MS Access(*.mdb; *.accdb) to SQLite and other SQL types
You'll need to install Access Database Engine befor doing so Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable. if you got error installing the Access Database Engine like the attached image, then just use cmd to install it, as follow:
this one works great
return response()->json(['message' => 'Logged in successfully']) ->cookie('access_token', $token, $expiration, '/', null, true, true, false);
whats the most secure way to pass tokens?
Have you found a solution? I have currently the same problem. When create the build and open it on my external device, the requests takes soooo long. Internet ist stable and on the simulator its fast as usually... Have no clue...
could you provide more details of issue?
I just had to install the newest .NET SDK link to download .NET 9.0
To follow up with this, is there a way to add a sorting solution/functionality to this?
For example if you have thousands of orders and want to sort by the order count, would that be possible by adjusting the code?
I am getting the same issue! Here, I am trying to read the generated excel with python using pandas and I am getting the following error
ValueError: Unable to read workbook: could not read stylesheet from ./excelize_generated.xlsx. This is most probably because the workbook source files contain some invalid XML. Please see the exception for more details.
When I open file manually using excel it works, when I save file and retry pandas works... It's a bit of strange cause when I save file again, I can notice file size is changing from 4Mb to 2Mb...
Use enterkeyhint attribute for this: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/enterkeyhint
If I want to assign a color to a specific person ('[email protected]'), how can I achieve this:
{ "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/sp/v2/column-formatting.schema.json",
"elmType": "div",
"txtContent": "@currentField.title",
"style": { "color": "=if('[email protected]' == @currentField.email, 'red', 'blue')"
} }
The above code doesn't work. Is it even possible to query a specific person?
Are you getting an error "(net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME)" when you try opening it from an embedded captive portal browser?
It seems to me that either I don't understand at what stage this code should be executed, or this answer is no longer valid. I already tried this at class MyAppConfig(AppConfig)
as well as in migrations. @gasman, can you please explain when and where it should be executed?
is running pgbouncer inside docker can cause to get lower tps?
Wow that was driving me nuts! Thank you
what is the current state?I am looking for related content about how to use QEMU to simulate the error of memory strips, such as ECC error/memory particles error Under Chip Bank Row Col.Is it more convenient to write "memory error detection" software based on this platform?For example, Passmark related memory error address analysis?This seems to involve CPU simulation.I learned that there is a paper called MH-QEMU MEMIRY-State-AWARE FAULT Inject Platform may be a bit connected.
I'm currently undertaking the same course. I'm confused about line 5. Can someone please explain what f and 2f do on this line? Is it a variable I use in calculating the tip?
here yawl go took me 3 min to make https://github.com/CCwithAi/MVP-YouTube-Transcript-Scraper
for the last 3 years, I am looking for this. It is very surprising still there is no feature/development/application like that in 2024. Do you think can it be implemented easily with some coding ? (i don't want to juggle with windows handles)
Depois de muito pesquisar descobrir que a solução é bastante simples. Só é necessário liberar o ip da sua maquina no firewall.
But the issue still exists for SSR (statically rendered) pages. Anyone knows a solution?
Can i get detailed steps on how to integrate the apk. I am closely following the official build guide for pixel 8a but i am stuck. Without this apk i have successfully build and flashed the OS into my device
I have mentioned MyApp in handheld_product.mk and my android.mk is as follow
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
I want to know that do i need to do something more like to sign this apk with grapeheneOS or anything else. Please tell me.
check current attributes, it should be helpful https://api.rubyonrails.org/v8.0.0/classes/ActiveSupport/CurrentAttributes.html
Check current attributes' docs. it will help you https://api.rubyonrails.org/v8.0.0/classes/ActiveSupport/CurrentAttributes.html
I have ran into the same issue. I found out that this has something to do with dynamic images. Did you solve that problem?
We have the same case, we would like pull requests opened by Snyk to automatically merge without any intervention, did you manage to achieve that?
Finaly i got it! https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserverkb/how-to-enclose-file-to-pull-request-comment-via-rest-api-952073003.html If someone need, welcome
open the sls file, double left click
if that's true, then that's a beautiful number. That means there's 1 variable for every person on our planet (including a newborn). :) But this answer helped me a lot because I thought the limit was dozens of variables, hundreds at most. Thank you.
have you found a good working solution for your problem?
In my response it shows a package count of 10 but does not list all packages??? Any solution for that
how if i am using graddle build system ?
@Zenilogix i am working for mobile phone which supports SyncML for contact synchronisation using OBEX serial(USB) with outlook. But i want to get contacts from it without syncking it to outlook or else i need to get that contacts before it syncs to outlook. How can i do it please help. that phone has its own tool to sync contacts with outlook, so i captured packets of it using wireshak then i got
02 00 2d cb 00
00 00 00 42 00 20 61 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 69 6f
6e 2f 76 6e 64 2e 73 79 6e 63 6d 6c 2b 77 62 78
6d 6c 00 c3 00 00 00 cd
pls see pcapimg1.
when i am trying to send same packet using my code
i am not getting 90 00 03
this expected response from phone.pls see pcapimg2
i am attaching pacap file for packets captured for tool given by phone itself.
i got success in getting serial connection to device using
LPCWSTR szPort2 = L"\\\\?\\usb#vid_1f58&pid_1f20&mi_03#dummy_03#{86e0d1e0-8089-11d0-9ce4-08003e301f73}";
//FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED also i sucessfully sent AT command for obex // Sending the AT+ISAT_OBEX=1 command
const char* command = "AT+ISAT_OBEX=1";
DWORD bytesWritten;
if (!WriteFile(hSerial, command, strlen(command), &bytesWritten, NULL)) {
std::cerr << "Error writing to serial port\n";
after this i sent packets by reffering this pdf OBEX Connect Example page 23 ( ) OBEX Connect Example
i also got success in OBEX Connect. but i dont know how to move further pcapimg1 for obex put with wbxml , pcapimg2 this is expected response from device, wich i am not getting this is first packet i sent
0x80, 0x00, 0x15, 0x10, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x46, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x53,
0x59, 0x4e, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x4c, 0x2d, 0x53, 0x59, 0x4e, 0x43,0x00,0x00,0x00
i got sucess reponse for this as
a0 00 1a 10 00 10 00 cb 00 00 00 00 4a 00 0e 53 59 4e 43 4d 4c 2d 53 59 4e 43
but this sencond packet i am sending
, am not getting any respose from device
I've also encountered the same problem using either the greenwood
or the aalen
Did you manage to solve it or at least get more information about it?
Best regards
An exception occurred: java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '2024-05-04 11:23:26.646017' could not be parsed at index 10--->anyone help me out here why I am getting this error
I downgraded to exporter version 0.15.0 and the metrics appeared
Same issues Occur on myside also. Can I known this issue resolve or not?
timeout issue resolved by doing JDK configuration changes in the function app.
try "from tensorflow.python.keras.layers"
Solved - use "rb+" to seek and write concurrently.
What steps did you follow to build erlang with FIPS enabled?
Firewall performance. { PERMIT }
To the best of my knowledge, docker login
will log you into dokcerhub. In that case, dockerhub does not support GPG authentication, only password and token.
Mybe what you're looking for is using token which can be achieved like below:
How to Generate a Personal Access Token in Dockerhub:
docker login
.In case this is not what you're looking for, could you please provide more info. Do you get the stated error immediately you type docker login
or do you get the error after you input some values after docker login
can i get your contact Flying Dutchman?I need one work
Please make sure you are configuring different sso for agents and contacts and if you don't see "are you a customer" button then please feel free to reach out to Freshdesk support.
Also, Ensure that you refer to the steps suggested for different IDP and sos type here- https://support.freshworks.com/support/solutions/articles/50000002351-what-is-and-how-to-configure-agent-sso-and-contact-sso-for-an-organization-
TIA :)
It doesn't work anymore for php5.6-apache docker image so I used one I found:
I had tried step 3,4 but still fail. Any ideas?
I have just the thing for anyone looking to integrate this feature in Strapi 5 currently.
I resolved that problem. Can you do the follow step to this resolve?enter image description here
From the image that @progman posted (https://ibb.co/Pzbxt1H), it appears that the spaces I want to eliminate are built into how Panels are displayed. I would like the white space around the title text to be the same color as the Panel background. That seems not to be possible.
I think all above suggestions are invalid as per today, as i am not able to find plugins available, most of Pentaho is shifting to enterprise only mode. I am using 9.4 and want to add kafka big data plugin, but thats out of option. Building from source code is also not straight forward as it further relies on repositories of penntaho or Hitachi and those are no more openly accessible. Anyone any idea?
I'm trying to do the same thing as you right now on a simple hobby os. A few years late, but wondering if you every found a workaround implementation? Or did you end up implementing DMA?
Missing "aws.cognito.signin.user.admin", causing the API call to cognito to fail.
Is there a solution for today?
Solved. I should've used the given parameter numsSize for the loops. Now it works. Thanks to @John3136
"I'm also suffering because of this issue. How can I fix it? Even adding the quickbootChoice.ini file doesn't work."
My Hibernate JPA schema generator Maven plugin does this.
In the latest version, the resources folder has been removed. source: https://primevue.org/guides/migration/v4/
Did you find an answer for this?
I'm trying to create a custom Android 9.0 ROM for VMOS Pro but I can't find the system UI navigation bar .png files anywhere. Yes the VM is rooted, yes I'm in the systemui APK res folder and I've used co-pilot, Google, bing etc and can't find a thing. And I am trying to replace the default navbar as my project and I can only find the carmode ones. Can someone help me?
There is an article on OAuth and OpenID Connect, exploring their roles in secure user authentication. I believe this could be particularly useful for those interested in enhancing application security. Plea: https://medium.com/@riturajpokhriyal/oauth-vs-openid-connect-a-deep-dive-for-senior-software-engineers-e66263fd1ba4
Apologies for the silly question but where do you input your query in Jira ? I need to download all the issues related to my epics .tha k u
I'm the same error. I didn't find any solution for this on any forum.
You are missing activation events:
I'm seeing the same warning, it looks like they consider the loading page that shows right after the splash screen as another splash screen. Can this warning be ignored ?
Bump, also dealing with this issue. 407 no matter how I set the parameters.
Any progress in communication with the printer? I try the same with Videojet DataFlex 6530 and Node-red by Ethernet TCP/IP. I want to get information from the printer, for example "Total Distance Printed".
Please provide how output of your file looks like. It would be helpful to make further steps with your code
Nobody? Too bad... I can imagine that many of you will quickly recognize the problem :)
If my understanding and testing is correct, this doesn’t address the original issue. The toggle list needs to be manually maintained. It doesn’t toggle based on the “started” status which defeats the purpose of cicd a bit.
Is there a way to do this automatically without the user having to parse the trigger.json or maintain a list separately?
the ./gradlew clean step above throws this error. Can anyone help please?
Build file 'C:\myApp\android\app\build.gradle' line: 2
Failed to apply plugin 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.android'. Could not isolate value org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.PropertiesBuildService$Params_Decorated@67dd4464 of type PropertiesBuildService.Params > Failed to query the value of property 'localProperties'. > Malformed \uxxxx encoding.
The code that I submitted actually works, so here's the solution https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-pxppkj?file=src%2Fmain.ts
Got the solution? I was also trying to figure out the same.
were you able to solve the above usecase? I have figured the way to use cxOracle session pool along with ThreadPoolExecutor to fetch data in chunks from Oracle and push it to Snowflake. Please let me know if you have it figured end to end as i’m seeing some data duplication mostly due to incorrect session handling or cursor caching.
so i am supposed to use the createClient inside the client.ts file?
"Descubra o poder do nosso produto natural para transformar sua saúde e bem-estar! Formulado com ingredientes de alta qualidade, ele ajuda a aumentar sua energia, melhorar o humor e fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Ideal para quem busca uma vida mais saudável, nosso produto é fácil de usar e se encaixa na sua rotina. Sinta a diferença desde o primeiro dia! Não perca tempo, cuide de você e da sua saúde. Experimente agora e junte-se a milhares de clientes satisfeitos que já transformaram suas vidas!"
Did anyone ever find a solution to this problem that doesn't involve deleting the app from Firebase and starting again?
After killing the blocking session my sql went through
what if I want this to happen multiple times on a page? your suggestion to add wire:key indeed makes it work but it only works once, subsequent updates from the livewire component do nothing, how can I fix this?
Sir, I have the same problem... Any solution?
The Managed Run Command doesn't seem to work as it should. When running through RunAsUser and RunAsPassword, the command is always called as if the system user called it (so the specified user context is not loaded). I used PsExec of PSTools as a workaround, by getting the user password from key vault directly from the VM powershell script.
There's also another problem I found, when running the managed run command through RunAsUser, the command parameters are not taken into account. Here's a link to an opened issue I found.
It would be great to have something working as described in the microsoft azure documentation for the managed run command, hopefully the azure team will release a fix in the future?
Since I do not have the reputation to comment, I need to put this as a separate answer. I had a similar issue where I wanted to strongly type my variables for a unpacked tuple but I wanted to use a throwaway underscore to ignore the returns of one of part of my tuple. This can be done like the accepted answer with bare annotations of the variables you want to keep (eg. variable: variable_type) above the assignment before your tuple unpacking (eg. _, variable = tuple).
I'm having the exact same problem with django-ckeditor-5! Did you find any solution?
I have the same problem here, there zero fix on Internet LOL
I'm wondering if you found a solution for this? Did you end up manually defining the schema? Thank you!
Hey Im facing the same issue. Can you help me on how you resolved that issue?
I dont know if it was possible when this question came up 5 years ago but I know that nowadays its possible throught the field calculator :
Blockquote a little late to the party, but this was added in this PR
I've been on this doc. It doesn't work neither on their website, nor on my computer... Maybe we should report an issue on gh ?