Unfortunately, we are facing the same problem. However, the root cause is that Marten does not support SoftDelete if you are using any kind of AggregateProjection. I found this issue - https://github.com/JasperFx/marten/issues/1992 but it seems to have been closed because it is no longer planned to be solved.
Can you please report these issues using the button in this window? There will appear an id of the issue, you can click on its ID and you will see the link of the report. Can you please provide several links on these reports? Thank you!
Is there a solution yet? I'm having this problem too!
check this link of a tutorial it might be helpful https://youtu.be/i8Xsb3Es04Y
did you figure out to solve this problem?
I have the same problem with the Firefox debugger, that the line numbers of the objects are not displayed. With the Chrome debugger everything is fine. Is there a solution in 2024?
VS Code: v1.95.2 Debugger for Firefox extension: v2.9.11 Code to be debugged: Typescript
gfdgdf fsssssssssssss dfdfsfds
I also have a similar problem, I set TenantId value inside the constructor, but migration does not works, Can not creates an instance public TenantDbContext(DbContextOptions<TenantDbContext> options, IMemoryCache memoryCache, IHttpContextData contextData, ICryptography cryptography, IConfiguration configuration, IDbUtilities dbUtilities, ISharedLocalizer sharedLocalizer, SeedStatikReferanslar seedStatikReferanslar, SeedRefTip seedSystemReferanslar, SeedReferanslar seedReferanslar, bool DoNotSeedDB = false) : base(options) { _memoryCache = memoryCache; _contextData = contextData; _seedStatikReferanslar = seedStatikReferanslar; _configuration = configuration; _dbUtilities = dbUtilities; _seedSystemReferanslar = seedSystemReferanslar; _seedReferanslar = seedReferanslar; DoNotSeed = DoNotSeedDB; _cryptography = cryptography; _sharedLocalizer = sharedLocalizer; CurrentSingleDbMode = contextData.SingleDbMode; CurrentTenantId = contextData.TenantId; }
i need those two current values for singledatabase tenants and global query, app is working like it should be but migration doesn't , is anyone have any solution ?
have you faced this issue again since last fix? I am facing the same case with you now.
i also have the same problem could you assist me as well
contact xperlet web development company they will help you.
You need to understand scope, in particular where 'height' and 'width' are visible. Understanding Scope and Visibility in C#
use the debugger to identify where code is breaking, but I can say according to you error message it would be error in your mongodb, could you tell me more about error and see which request method you are using.
I'm building an app for my college graduation project.
I need to get users goodreads data with OAuth, and the rating of the books etc.
How can I do that? Can I get a legacy api or an api just for my project, the prof insists that I find a way to do it.
1.You can define _DISABLE_CONSTEXPR_MUTEX_CONSTRUCTOR as an escape hatch.
2.Or update the msvcp140.dll
I want to apply to all classes in my project. Not just OrderModel, Orders. Do you have any idea?
Out of curiosity, what OS are you using?
If it's Windows, is it the "classic" or the new Outlook?
Have you been able to solve this problem? I am also getting the error with same logs here. Please do let me know if anyone found the solution.
I have the same issue for whole day. Did you manage to solve it?
Did you manage to find a fix @Byofuel? I'm having exactly the same issue with firebase
version 11.0.1
and @stripe/firestore-stripe-payments
version 0.0.6
. It also suddenly stopped working without any code changes.
I have same issue. Look like dblink is not table to utilize public IP to make connections. I see this even when using same connection string as psql on console. Workaround is you need to use private ip to connect. I believe this is a bug in AWS, not sure in what though.
Did you manage to set up the PageView event correctly for both web and server-side tracking? I’m curious if you were able to integrate both browser pixel tracking and CAPI without duplicating the events. Could you also share what your code looks like for the custom HTML (page_view event in web GTM) tag with the event_id included? It would be very helpful to see how you implemented it. Thanks
Según mis avanzados conocimientos recomiendo q pruebes a espabilar
@NSRL Can you please share the alternative function that you used? I downgraded my botorch version to 0.10.0 but it didn't work.
I am experiencing the same thing. I also get an error by credentials (under the error by credential chart at the same time as the API method error). Is this purely a google related server issue or is there a problem with my API usage?
Error Message 1 error has occurred Session state protection violation: This may be caused by manual alteration of protected page item P3_TOTAL_AMOUNT. If you are unsure what caused this error, please contact the application administrator for assistance. how can i resolve it?
Good afternoon,
I am not trained in VBA. But I am trying to use it, similar to the request above, to export unique Excel files to a folder for each unique Vendor Code in a data set. I have the data in a Table, Query and a Form.
Bascially, I any section of the above VBA showing "QueryName" and "CustomerName" to match my database. I also added the file path where I want the files placed after the "EXPORT. Lastly, I even made a "MyTempQuery" even though I am not aware of the function.
I tried the above but it is not working. Is there anyone that could walk me through it since I may not know all of the modifications I may need to make to match my database?
Happy to get on a Teams call or anything at this point...
Use Xcodes https://github.com/XcodesOrg/XcodesApp/releases/tag/v2.4.1b30 Download Xcodes app and use whatever Xcode version is required.
I have written a Sparx repository query to obtain "data element lineage". I have a source model in XML and the target is imported from Oracle. We have mapped the source XSDelement(s) to the destination database columns in Sparx using connector_type = 'Information Flow' as the base class and a custom stereotype = 'ETLMapping'. Below is the query/view I am using.
[Near the top of the query you will see a literal package name, 'Workday ETL Mapping'. This package defines the scope for the query; it contains the several diagrams which have the ETL source/target mappings defined.]
The Sparx view definition script follows...
USE [SparxProjects]
/****** Object: View [dbo].[vSparx_Workday_ETL_Source_Target_Object_Element_Mapping] Script Date: 11/13/2024 2:26:02 PM ******/
create view [dbo].[vSparx_Workday_ETL_Source_Target_Object_Element_Mapping]
With cte_workday_etl_package_diagram as
(select distinct
,p.Name Package_Name
,d.Name Diagram_Name
from t_diagram d
inner join t_package p on (d.Package_ID = p.Package_ID )
where p.Name = 'Workday ETL Mapping'
, cte_workday_etl_package_diagram_object as
(select distinct
,o.Name Object_Name
,o.Stereotype Object_Stereotype
from t_diagramobjects do
inner join cte_workday_etl_package_diagram pd
on (pd.Diagram_ID = do.Diagram_ID)
inner join t_object o
on (o.Object_ID = do.Object_ID)
(o.Object_Type = 'Class'
and o.Stereotype in ('XSDComplexType', 'Table')
, cte_workday_etl_diagram_object_element as
(select distinct
pdo.Object_ID ETL_Object_ID
,pdo.Object_Name ETL_Object_Name
,attr.Name ETL_Element_Name
,attr.ea_guid ETL_Element_guid --will be used to join connector end info
from cte_workday_etl_package_diagram_object pdo
inner join t_attribute attr on (attr.Object_ID = pdo.Object_ID)
, cte_conn_end_guids as
(select conn.connector_id
,CHARINDEX('{' ,SUBSTRING(conn.StyleEx,1,100)) --start
,(CHARINDEX('}', SUBSTRING(conn.StyleEx,1,100)) --right_curly_bracket
- CHARINDEX('{',SUBSTRING(conn.StyleEx,1,100)) --first left_curly_bracket
+ 1 ) --length
) "first_guid_value"
conn.StyleEx --expression
,CHARINDEX(';' , SUBSTRING(conn.StyleEx,1,100)) + 6 --start of guid substring
,len(conn.StyleEx) - CHARINDEX(';' , SUBSTRING(conn.StyleEx,1,100)) - 7 --length of substring
) "second_guid_value"
when (SUBSTRING(conn.StyleEx , 1, 2 ) = 'LF'
and SUBSTRING(conn.StyleEx , 3, 1 ) = 'S')
when (SUBSTRING(conn.StyleEx , 1, 2 ) = 'LF'
and SUBSTRING(conn.StyleEx , 3, 1 ) = 'E')
else null
end "FirstConnEndDirection"
when (SUBSTRING(conn.StyleEx
,CHARINDEX(';' ,conn.StyleEx,1 ) + 1
, 2
) = 'LF'
,CHARINDEX(';' ,conn.StyleEx,1) + 3
, 1
) = 'E'
when (SUBSTRING(conn.StyleEx
,CHARINDEX(';' ,conn.StyleEx,1 ) + 1
, 2
) = 'LF'
,CHARINDEX(';' ,conn.StyleEx,1) + 3
, 1
) = 'S'
else null
end "SecondConnEndDirection"
from dbo.t_connector conn
where conn.StyleEx is not null
and conn.Connector_Type = 'InformationFlow'
and conn.Stereotype = 'ETLMapping'
and conn.Start_Object_ID in (select pdo.object_id
from cte_workday_etl_package_diagram_object pdo)
and conn.End_Object_ID in (select pdo.object_id
from cte_workday_etl_package_diagram_object pdo)
, cte_start_conn_elements as
( select conn.connector_id
,sattr.Name Start_Element_Name
,sattr.Type Start_Element_Type
,sattr.Stereotype Start_Element_Stereotype
,sattr.ea_guid Start_Element_guid
,sattr.ID Start_Element_ID
,sattr.Object_ID Start_Element_Object_ID
,sattr.Notes Start_Element_Notes
from cte_conn_end_guids conn
inner join t_attribute sattr on (sattr.ea_guid = conn.first_guid_value
and conn.FirstConnEndDirection = 'START_CONN_GUID'
select conn2.connector_id
,eattr.Name Start_Element_Name
,eattr.Type Start_Element_Type
,eattr.Stereotype Start_Element_Stereotype
,eattr.ea_guid Start_Element_guid
,eattr.ID Start_Element_ID
,eattr.Object_ID Start_Element_Object_ID
,eattr.Notes Start_Element_Notes
from cte_conn_end_guids conn2
inner join t_attribute eattr on (eattr.ea_guid = conn2.second_guid_value
and conn2.SecondConnEndDirection = 'START_CONN_GUID'
, cte_end_conn_elements as
( select conn.connector_id
,eattr.Name End_Element_Name
,eattr.Type End_Element_Type
,eattr.Stereotype End_Element_Stereotype
,eattr.ea_guid End_Element_guid
,eattr.ID End_Element_ID
,eattr.Object_ID End_Element_Object_ID
,eattr.Notes End_Element_Notes
from cte_conn_end_guids conn
inner join t_attribute eattr on (eattr.ea_guid = conn.first_guid_value
and conn.FirstConnEndDirection = 'END_CONN_GUID'
select conn2.connector_id
,eattr.Name End_Element_Name
,eattr.Type End_Element_Type
,eattr.Stereotype End_Element_Stereotype
,eattr.ea_guid End_Element_guid
,eattr.ID End_Element_ID
,eattr.Object_ID End_Element_Object_ID
,eattr.Notes End_Element_Notes
from cte_conn_end_guids conn2
inner join t_attribute eattr on (eattr.ea_guid = conn2.second_guid_value
and conn2.SecondConnEndDirection = 'END_CONN_GUID'
, cte_workday_etl_connector_objects_elements as
,spdo.Object_Name Start_Object_Name
,spdo.Object_Type Start_Object_Type
,spdo.Object_Stereotype Start_Object_Stereotype
,epdo.Object_Name End_Object_Name
,epdo.Object_Type End_Object_Type
,epdo.Object_Stereotype End_Object_Stereotype
from cte_start_conn_elements seconn
inner join cte_end_conn_elements eeconn
on (seconn.Connector_ID = eeconn.Connector_ID)
inner join cte_workday_etl_package_diagram_object spdo
on (spdo.Object_ID = seconn.Start_Element_Object_ID)
inner join cte_workday_etl_package_diagram_object epdo
on (epdo.Object_ID = eeconn.End_Element_Object_ID)
select distinct
from cte_workday_etl_connector_objects_elements s_t_element_mapping
Thanks to Geert Bellekens at https://sparxsystems.com/forums and https://stackoverflow.com/users/3379653/qwerty-so for their helpful remarks and suggestions.
Reply here with any improvement suggestions or error discoveries. Sorry about the formatting, it parsers fine in SQL.
Best, CCW
CreateFile(A/W) will not work on Windows 98 because, according to the description on MSDN, the minimum client is Windows XP. Maybe you should try using C "fopen" function, for example?
Is there any possibility to return zero instead of null value??
Didn't realize that I could get the result I needed by changing the ChartType from Column to StackedColumn even though I have only one item in the stack...
Also note extracting the folder creates a nested folder with the same name. Be sure to drill into the second folder at the extraction path: bike-data\bike-data to select the leaf folder, to select it, otherwise you may get the same error.
did you manage to make it work? Same here although having instagram_business_* permissions in Advanced Access. The API only returns the username of the owner of the media.
Try upgrading Android Gradle Plugin version to 8.1.0 as mentioned here Firebase Initialization Crash After Updating com.google.gms:google-services to 4.4.0
I'm facing the same issue, but no solution found for now.
same issue can not found the api to upload :((
How many transactions are you using to test performance? Or are you just profiling the Query paths?
@aria_label works and will render to aria-label
SI las copio local false, me cambia el error a Error al conectar a SAP BusinessObjects: Could not load file or assembly 'CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Framework, Version=14.0.4000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304'. El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado.
Im also having trouble with this... Everytime I try to pass a link within the content posted through API, the url goes blank on wordpress, as it had never existed on the content...
any clues, anyone?
Have you tried running it in a different thread?
having the same issue here, did you solve?, if so how.
hi i want to add x and y axis to matplotlib_venn diagram. tried my best with above example with no success
were you ever able to get this resolved? I am having the same issue
The answer should be down voted:
The claim in the accepted answer "In the browser, WASM is not allowed to make network connections" IS WRONG ...
look here tinygo ref and here go-compat-matrix
webassembly in a browser is allowed.
I’m currently working on a similar scenario. Were you able to find a solution? If so, could you share the approach you used? It would be really helpful.
The answer is that window?.['%hammerhead%'] works. But i need to wait until onMounted in nuxt, because before on mounted the value ist not set.
Does report builder have an interface that we can include in a net project / blazer so that users can create their own report?
which flutter version that has the fix for this caching issue?
I'm getting same error as above and keeping it with session storage didn't solve it. Can someone please help. I'm using angular 15 and angular-auth-oidc-client library 15 version.
It was a silly spelling mistake.
I'm working with slashed command, and I want to add autocomplete on arguments.
I created class named "AutoCompleteHandlerGeneral" derived from "AutocompleteHandler", and add an override on "GenerateSuggestionsAsync function".
I create a slashed command with argument like that "[Discord.Commands.Summary("nom_du_paramètre"), Autocomplete(typeof(AutoCompleteHandlerGeneral))]"
I add to the interaction handler this 2 functions :
private async Task AutocompleteExecuted(SocketAutocompleteInteraction interaction)
var context = new SocketInteractionContext(_client, interaction);
await _interactionService.ExecuteCommandAsync(context, services: _serviceProvider);
private async Task InteractionCreated(SocketInteraction interaction)
if (interaction.Type == InteractionType.ApplicationCommandAutocomplete)
var context = new SocketInteractionContext(_client, interaction);
await _interactionService.ExecuteCommandAsync(context, services: _serviceProvider);
During execution, autocomplete window is opening in discord, but stay empty and display "Loading options failed". The 2 functions are called, but the execute commandasync seems to be call ... nothing ...
To help problem solving, I created a public simple bot on github to test it ... AutoCompleteBot ... But proposition window stay empty ....
Please help ! Thanks a lot
you are a genious Janka! thanks you so much I actually forgot that
Restarting LxssManager in services.msc
i have the same problem and this happened when i connected the project with firebase and i did this solution but it didnt work and still told me this (If you opt out of telemetry, an opt-out event will be sent, and then no further information will be sent. This data is collected in accordance with the Google Privacy Policy (https://policies.google.com/privacy). )
also getting these issues with excel docs that have macros, anyone know how resolve?
I am not sure if this answer above is correct since:
Can expert in tinygo/webassembly revisit the answer as provided by erik258 ?
Did any of you fixed this? I spent my whole day but still can't find the solution I'm using prisma for db and ngrok to make clerk secret, No matter what I do the route.ts file is not found
Have same issue after new xCode update. Did you fix it already?
Is there any way to do this without converting the .json? I'm templating .json files that need to stay unchanged.
Would post this as a comment, but stackoverflow wont let me log in for some reason
I had a similar problem and installing the Gutenberg plugin fixed it... but WHY? How can we find the original conflict that caused it so we don't need the Gutenberg plugin?
youre interface should have @local on top of it
I am having the same problem @MarkoVitez i did use avcodec_parameters_from_context() but the problem is still there. OP can you explain how can i use your function i have AVPacket how to use this function to add the AAC header to the AVPacket
To add to @barry houdini's answer, use +1 to simulate OR.
Can you provide the method that you deleted?
Try to use this GET request:
works fine foe me
contact xperlet web development company they will help you.
THis does not work. If something has been changed, the Save prompt is still popping up!
And if you don't have ManagedBean, use Component instead?
I don't understand of your answer. How can I link my Access database with Xampp server, my database already prepared I try link to database to show me , you can't using odbc .
Same issue here. Did you find any solutions? I also need to allow everything again after building the solution. Is very frustrating when you run multiple projects configuration.
Redgate is moving from SQL Source Control to their new product Flyway Desktop, so this check-in problem could be a moot point:
Recently on october 2024 I updraded my laptop to 24H2 from 23H2, since then I couldn't login with domain user and while readding with domain I get the same error The following error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate an Active Dire
The error was: "DNS name does not exist." (error code 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR)
The query was for the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.domain.com
Common causes of this error include the following:
How did you solve this issue?
Thanks in advance..
could you provide more code or details? I'm having trouble understanding your issue as it stands.
Having the same issue using a clean setup with yarn create next-app --typescript
Did you find any solution?
We are facing the same problem, we opened an issue on the roadmap
Thank you all for the help and collaboration. In the end, I managed to solve the problem in the following way: I created a pageMap mapping. Then, instead of using page.name or documentOffset, the script directly accesses pageMap[i] to get the corresponding page number. I want to repeat that I have no programming knowledge; everything was solved using artificial intelligence since this code is for personal use. If I had needed it, I would have contacted a professional. Best regards, and once again, thank you very much.
If you want to restrict consecutive characters on the keyboard to no longer than 4 characters, then used pam_cracklib module. Read his manual https://linux.die.net/man/8/pam_cracklib
next params can you help: maxsequence=N
String[] may can be cast to Object[].
eferbthtryu6555555555555555555555555dmjyyfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgrzesrzesrzesrzesrzesrzesrzesrzesrzesrzesrzesrzesanye,mmmmmmmmmmmj.jgbnxdfvgwee afffdnxb
PROBLEM SOLVED! thanks god.
I have deleted this firebase.js file which keeps popping up and the problem was solved.
Thanks for all the support.
Have you solved your problem? I have also encountered the same problem and would like to ask for your help!
https://prog.world/jakarta-faces-and-spring-boot/ this was really helpful . @krigls Wurzl. solved my long time blocker.
I am new to C#
enter image description here> Build FAILED.
"C:\SampleFolder\Client.csproj" (default target) (1) ->
C:\SampleFolder\Client.csproj : error MSB4040: There is no targe t in the project.
How do I resolve the above error?? this is my target framework: net8.0 I have also mentioned the installations in the image.
Follow-up question: is this possible in shiny express?
QLibrary support C functions only.
Stop Debugging, the options will show.
You ube porn bleed gore sexysexy
Not sure if this help. But every ID needs its own --mspdir.
If you can successfully enroll, could it be that the certs are generated all at the same location and one overwrite the other?
I faced an issue which is, i have an ios app (flutter) and it renders the the website inside the app as in app web view, now the issue was the page has 4 input fields and height for the form is set to auto, and html, body set to 100%, when clicking on the input field for the first time and keyboard appears nothing changed on the layout works fine. But, clicking on the other input fields, the total page is shrinked down behind the keyboard, and the window.offsetTop & window.pageTop value becomes in negative, not 0, after closing the keyboard those values changed to 0 again, the page comes to the top again, but again clicking on inputs the behaviour continued..
Now what i did was to stop the page get shrinked down behind the keyboard, im listening for the scroll and resize events and checks for the offsetTop and pageTop value that is less than 0, then i set the
window.scrollTo({top:0, behaviour :smooth})
by handling like this the page is coming back to its default pos even if the values are in negative,
but the con is, the window.scrollTo() is a manual scrolling, so the page shows a slight jump effect (scrolling to the top).
Does anyone know a solution for this or faced this scenario, help me out...
or is this jump effect is fine for in app web view, share your opinions about this.
I have the same problem. If you ever managed to solve this let me know !
As Charly Mentioned, was fixed in my code too by changing from public class to class: enter image description here
I have the same. Did somebody find a solution?
pointer-events: unset
is not working for me.
I'm using none
pointer-events: none;
creating a user it testing will work. but you will have to renew permissions every 7 days. any other solution?
I have the same issue. Did you solve it ?
Did you get a way to connect the feedback directly to a message?