Great job; please continue with the good work! Thank You........
i have the same question and reduced version of python-opencv it works for me.
pip uninstall opencv-python
pip install opencv-python==
I have the same question, have you found the answer
Any solution found ? I am facing the same problem.
I tried asm("jump 0x10080000") but appears the message "unknown opcode or format name 'jump'". I am using the ESP32 in Arduino IDE.
What could be my mistake?
I thank you very much in advance for your help.
Thanks everyone, I found the answer, there is a column security setting for the missing columns and I am not part of the readable team.
Solved my problem by switching to Java 21. Thanks, Rishaan!
Thank you all for your response. As Craig pointed out - all I had to do was to include "IC.ITEM_ID" in the Group By.
after few years i have a similar problem , did you solve it ?? i believe that you did it, so can you help me to overpass this problem ?
this error are getting two three days.
I don't know. heh 😁 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................
hi can you provide me the code for clearkey drm in exoplayer? i am working on the same project but i have been facing the source issue. even though i have tested it with the above link you have provided and its working just fine but in the app its giving me source issue. it will be very helpful for me if you can provide me your code so i can look upto it.
Even Wordpress' interface is broken. When you update a user and you click the link to return to the search result at the top you're taken to a link with the @ symbol removed.
I opened a bug report a long time ago but they seem to care more about making it difficult for us to ask for help than actually replicating the problem and fixing it when aware of issues.
Wordpress did NOT have this problem before. It started with an update released shortly before my original topic there.
Can anybody help and maybe join the conversation over there, so hopefully one of the developers maintaining Wordpress actually looks into it? Maybe they think I am a single lunatic with the issue and won't bother helping if they don't see others asking for help too.
Thank you Dario M. and mason - I cannot upvote your comment due to my lack of reputation points but your comment helped me fix my issue. Thank you!
I'm struggling to read a growing MXF file in real time for a live sports streaming project. I can read the video in 5-minute chunks provided by the recording software, and I’m able to load the full file (around 750GB) once it's complete. However, I need to process the file as it’s still growing. Any suggestions on how to approach this?
how i felt when bro said ancient : 𓀂𓀬𓁅𓁅𓃂𓄆𓃻
Is the issue resolved . I am also facing the same post angular 18 migration. Please help
You need a the micro python from pimoroni to work with the GFX PACK
I can only use REST API's to use instance_config to exclude fields. It is still not working with Python APIs. Would appreciate someone's help as there is no code samples for this feature from Vertex AI.
I have less than 50 reputations, but I need to ask SUBHRA SANKHA, if he was able to find a way around this problem.
Problem solved, for those who need or have a similar problem I share the code. Thanks to everyone for commenting and responding.
include("conexion.php"); // Asumiendo que tu conexión está configurada aquí
require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";
$objCon = new Conexion();
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate;
use Monolog\Level;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Handler\FirePHPHandler;
// Configuración básica para mostrar todos los errores
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
//Guardando el tipo_actividad e id_reporte
$id_reporte = $_POST['id_reporte'];
class Registro
public $interno;
public function __construct($data)
$this->interno = [
'doc_identidad' => $data['documento_identidad'],
'datos_adicionales' => [
'nombre_completo' => $data['apellidos_nombres_interno'],
'fecha_ingreso' => $data['fecha_ingreso'],
'fecha_nac' => $data['fecha_nacimiento'],
'discapacidad' => $data['discapacidad'],
'planificacion_intervencion' => $data['planificacion_intervencion'],
'tipo_intervencion' => $data['tipo_intervencion'],
'grupo_especifico' => $data['grupo_especifico'],
'otros_relevantes' => $data['otros_relevantes'],
'regimen' => $data['regimen'],
'etapa' => $data['etapa'],
'pabellon' => $data['pabellon'],
'descripcion' => mb_convert_encoding($data['descripcion'], "UTF-8"),
'dia' => $data['dia'],
'nombre_sesion' => mb_convert_encoding($data['nombre_sesion'], "UTF-8"),
'profesional' => $data['datos_profesional'],
'observaciones' => $data['observaciones']
// ... otros datos adicionales
// $this->nombre_completo = $data['apellidos_nombres_interno'];
class GeneradorReporteExcel
private $spreadsheet;
private $sheet;
private $logger;
public function __construct()
$this->spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$this->sheet = $this->spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$this->logger = new Logger('my_app');
$this->logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(__DIR__ . '/reportes/debug.log', Level::Debug));
// $this->logger->info('My logger is now ready');
$this->logger->pushHandler(new FirePHPHandler());
private function obtenerValor($registro, $columna, $fila, $tipoActividad)
switch ($columna) {
case 'C':
return $registro->interno['doc_identidad'];
case 'D':
return $registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['nombre_completo'];
case 'E':
return 'MASCULINO';
case 'F':
return $registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['fecha_ingreso'];
case 'G':
return $registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['fecha_nac'];
case 'H':
// Obtener la celda de fecha de nacimiento (suponiendo que 'G2' es relativa)
$celdaFechaNacimiento = 'G' . $fila; // Ajusta la fila según tu lógica
// Construir la fórmula completa
$formula = "=(NOW()-" . $celdaFechaNacimiento . ")/365-0.5";
return $formula;
case 'I':
return $registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['discapacidad'];
case 'J':
//planificacion d ela intervencion
if ($registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['planificacion_intervencion'] == 1) {
$planificacion_intervencion = "PTI_EN_PROCESO";
if ($registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['planificacion_intervencion'] == 2) {
$planificacion_intervencion = "PTI_P";
if ($registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['planificacion_intervencion'] == 3) {
$planificacion_intervencion = "PTI_S";
if ($registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['planificacion_intervencion'] == 4) {
$planificacion_intervencion = "POPE_ANTIGUA";
return $planificacion_intervencion;
case 'K':
//tipo de intervencion
if ($registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['tipo_intervencion'] == 1) {
if ($registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['tipo_intervencion'] == 2) {
$tipo_intervencion = "INTERVENCION_GENERAL";
if ($registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['tipo_intervencion'] == 3) {
$tipo_intervencion = "INTERVENCION_ESPECIALIZADA";
if ($registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['tipo_intervencion'] == 4) {
return $tipo_intervencion;
case 'L':
return $registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['grupo_especifico'];
case 'M':
return $registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['otros_relevantes'];
case 'N':
return $registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['regimen'];
case 'O':
return $registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['etapa'];
case 'P':
return $registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['pabellon'];
case 'Q':
case 'S':
case 'U':
case 'W':
case 'Y':
case 'AA':
case 'AC':
if ($tipoActividad === 1) {
$descripcion=$registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['descripcion']; // O el campo de descripción que corresponda
} else {
return $descripcion;
case 'R':
case 'T':
case 'V':
case 'X':
case 'Z':
case 'AB':
case 'AD':
if ($tipoActividad === 1) {
$dia=$registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['dia']; // O el campo de descripción que corresponda
} else {
return $dia;
case 'AE':
case 'AG':
case 'AI':
case 'AK':
case 'AM':
if ($tipoActividad == 2) {
// Manejar el caso cuando tipoActividad es 2 (si aplica)
$nombre_sesion=$registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['nombre_sesion']; // O el campo de nombre de sesión que corresponda
} else {
return $nombre_sesion;
case 'AF':
case 'AH':
case 'AJ':
case 'AL':
case 'AN':
if ($tipoActividad == 2) {
// Manejar el caso cuando tipoActividad no es 1 ni 2
$dia=$registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['dia']; // O el campo de nombre de sesión que corresponda
} else {
return $dia;
case 'AO':
return $registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['profesional'];
case 'AP':
return $registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['observaciones'];
// case 'AQ':
// return $registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['nombre_completo'];
return '';
private function escribirEnCelda($columna, $fila, $valor)
// $this->logger->debug("Escribiendo $valor en la celda $columna$fila");
// $this->sheet->setCellValue($columna . $fila, $valor);
try {
// $this->logger->info('My logger is now ready');
// $this->logger->debug("Escribiendo $valor en la celda $columna$fila");
$this->sheet->setCellValue($columna . $fila, $valor);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->logger->error("Error al escribir en la celda: " . $e->getMessage());
private function getRangoColumnas($tipoActividad, $esNuevoRegistro)
return $esNuevoRegistro ? ['C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'AA', 'AB', 'AC', 'AD'] : ['O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'AA', 'AB', 'AC', 'AD'];
return $esNuevoRegistro ? ['C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'AE', 'AF', 'AG', 'AH','AI','AJ','AK','AL','AM','AN','AO','AP'] : ['AE', 'AF', 'AG', 'AH','AI','AJ','AK','AL','AM','AN'];
private function buscarFilaPorDni($dni)
// Suponiendo que el DNI está en la columna C
$highestRow = $this->sheet->getHighestRow();
// $this->logger->debug("Cuantas filas hay?: $highestRow");
for ($row = 2; $row <= $highestRow; $row++) {
if ($this->sheet->getCell('C' . $row)->getValue() == $dni) {
// $this->logger->debug("Fila del archivo Excel: $this->sheet->getCell('C' . $row)->getValue() == DNI: $dni");
$tipoActividad = 2; //$this->sheet->getCell('A' . $row)->getValue(); // Suponiendo que el tipo de actividad está en la columna A
$rangoColumnas = $this->getRangoColumnas($tipoActividad, false);
return [
'fila' => $row,
'rangoColumnas' => $rangoColumnas
// $this->logger->debug("DNI EXCEL: $this->sheet->getCell('C' . $row)->getValue() NO ES IGUAL A DNI SQL: $dni");
return false;
private function crearNuevaFila($fila, $registro, $rangoColumnas, $tipoActividad,$esNuevoRegistro) {
$columnaIndex = 0; // Inicializamos el índice de columna
foreach ($rangoColumnas as $columna) {
if($tipoActividad=2 && $esNuevoRegistro==true){
if($columnaIndex==16 || $columnaIndex==17 || $columnaIndex==18 || $columnaIndex==19 || $columnaIndex==20 || $columnaIndex==21 || $columnaIndex==22){
// $this->logger->debug("columnaIndex: $columnaIndex - Pertenece a la columna: $columna ---> NO SE REGISTRO");
$valor = $this->obtenerValor($registro, $columna, $fila, $tipoActividad);
$this->escribirEnCelda($columna, $fila, $valor);
// $this->logger->debug("columnaIndex: $columnaIndex - Pertenece a la columna: $columna ---> valor = $valor ");
private function actualizarFila($fila, $registro, $rangosAdicionales)
$tipoActividad = 2; //$registro->tipo_actividad;
// Encontrar la primera columna vacía en el rango adicional
$columnaVacia = null;
// $this->logger->debug("Rango: $rangosAdicionales[$tipoActividad]");
foreach ($rangosAdicionales as $columna) {
if ($this->sheet->getCell( $columna. $fila)->getValue() === null) {
$columnaVacia = $columna;
// $this->logger->debug("Columna Vacia: $columnaVacia");
// Si se encontró una columna vacía, escribir el valor
if ($columnaVacia) {
// $columnaIndex = array_search($columnaVacia, $rangosAdicionales);
// $this->logger->debug("ColumnaIndex: $columnaIndex ");
$sesion =$registro->interno['datos_adicionales']['nombre_sesion']; // $this->obtenerValor($registro, $columna);
$this->escribirEnCelda($columnaVacia, $fila, $sesion);
//aumentando en 1 para el día
$this->escribirEnCelda($columnaVacia, $fila, $dia);
public function generarReporte($registros, $rutaArchivo, $formatoArchivo,$tipoActividad)
// Cargar el archivo de formato
$this->spreadsheet = IOFactory::load($formatoArchivo);
$this->sheet = $this->spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$fila = 2;
foreach ($registros as $registro) {
$tipoActividad = $tipoActividad; //$registro->datos_adicionales['tipo_intervencion'];
// Determinar si es un nuevo registro o no ---> OK!
if ($this->buscarFilaPorDni($registro->interno['doc_identidad'])) {
$rangoColumnas = $this->getRangoColumnas($tipoActividad, false); // Registro existente
//hayando la fila repetida
// $dni = $registro->interno['doc_identidad'];
// $this->logger->debug("FILA REPETIDA: ".$resultadoBusqueda);
// if (is_array($resultadoBusqueda)) {
// $filaExistente = $resultadoBusqueda[0];//$this->buscarFilaPorDni($dni)[0];
// $this->logger->debug("FILA REPETIDA: $filaExistente");
// }
$this->actualizarFila($resultadoBusqueda, $registro, $rangoColumnas);
// $this->logger->debug("BuscarFilaDNI devuelve estos valores: ".json_encode($this->buscarFilaPorDni($registro->interno['doc_identidad'])));
} else {
$rangoColumnas = $this->getRangoColumnas($tipoActividad, true); // Nuevo registro
$this->crearNuevaFila($fila, $registro, $rangoColumnas, $tipoActividad,true);
// $this->logger->debug("BuscarFilaDNI devuelve estos valores: ".$this->buscarFilaPorDni($registro->interno['doc_identidad']));
// Guardar el archivo Excel
$writer = IOFactory::createWriter($this->spreadsheet, 'Xlsx');
// Consulta SQL
$sql = "SELECT I.doc_identidad AS 'DOCUMENTO_IDENTIDAD',
I.fecha_ingreso AS 'FECHA_INGRESO',
I.fecha_nacimiento AS 'FECHA_NACIMIENTO',
I.discapacidad AS 'discapacidad',
DET.planificacion_intervencion AS 'PLANIFICACION_INTERVENCION',
DET.tipo_intervencion AS 'TIPO_INTERVENCION',
GRUP.nombre_grupo_especifico AS 'GRUPO_ESPECIFICO',
DET.otros_relevantes AS 'OTROS_RELEVANTES',
REG.nombre_regimen AS 'REGIMEN',
ETP.nombre_etapa AS 'ETAPA',
I.pab_celda_etapa AS 'PABELLON',
DESCRIP.nombre_descripciones AS 'DESCRIPCION',
DET.dia_actividades AS 'dia',
SES.nombre_sesiones AS 'nombre_sesion',
CONCAT(U.ape_paterno,' ',U.ape_materno,' ',U.nombres) AS 'DATOS_PROFESIONAL',
DET.observaciones AS 'OBSERVACIONES',
FROM reportes_mensuales REP
INNER JOIN detalle_reporte_mensual DET ON REP.id_reporte_mensual=DET.id_reporte_mensual
INNER JOIN grupo_especifico GRUP ON DET.id_grupo_especifico=GRUP.id_grupo_especifico
INNER JOIN internos I ON DET.id_interno=I.id_interno
INNER JOIN usuarios U ON REP.id_usuario=U.id_usuario
INNER JOIN regimen REG ON DET.id_regimen=REG.id_regimen
INNER JOIN etapa ETP ON DET.id_etapa=ETP.id_etapa
INNER JOIN descripciones DESCRIP ON DET.id_descripciones=DESCRIP.id_descripciones
INNER JOIN sessiones SES ON DET.id_sesiones=SES.id_sesiones
WHERE REP.id_reporte_mensual=:id_reporte"; // Tu consulta SQL completa
$rsDetalleReporte = $objCon->getConexion()->prepare($sql);
$rsDetalleReporte->bindParam(':id_reporte', $id_reporte, PDO::PARAM_INT);
if ($rsDetalleReporte->execute()) {
$registros = [];
while ($row = $rsDetalleReporte->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$registro = new Registro($row);
$registros[] = $registro;
// Imprimir los datos del registro para verificar
// echo json_encode($registro)."<br>";
// Verificar si el array $registros está vacío
if (empty($registros)) {
echo "No se encontraron registros.";
} else {
// Generar el reporte
$generador = new GeneradorReporteExcel();
$generador->generarReporte($registros, 'reportes/reporte_actualizado.xlsx', 'reportes/FORMATO_SOCIAL.xlsx',$tipo_Actividad);
} else {
// Manejar errores en la ejecución de la consulta
echo "Error al ejecutar la consulta: " . $rsDetalleReporte->errorInfo()[2];
I am still facing the same error the poster faced, i have tried the solutions provided after the post but still i get the cmdline error
Did you resolve the issue? I have a same issue for ios only. Android works fine.
This related issue will happen due to the failure to handle the async operation properly.
Click on more options for AVD devices, you will see this screen, and click on the bug report menu. It will start to collect bugs and give you a brief idea. Please let me know if it is helpful for you.
i also need upgrade to angular 16, but ngx-admin (newest version 11) seems doesn't support angular 16;
how did you solve it?
Same problem here, any updates?
Did you solve this? You've made it further than me, I can't get my assistant to generate a response. So the fact that you have an image analysis in firebase is great! I take it all you need to to is to have your code retrieve the analysis from firebase to your user interface. Did you sort that out?
i have same issue, did you find how to solve the problem ?
did you find the solution? I am looking for it too
Hi I have the same problem. I already do all the steps behavior, but now i cant save or submit the page. I get "ERR-1002 Element-ID für Element "1142944402993567203" in Anwendung "750" nicht gefunden." Can anyone help me?
Facing the same issue ! the app in prod is not working but it's perfectly working in TEST
Here is a related issue on nextui:
Did you fixed you problem?. if please reply :)
When we use the encodeURIComponent method, URLs are encoded twice on iOS physical devices. However, they work correctly on Android, web, and the iOS simulator.
How can we resolve this issue?
Thanks to Vladimir's comments, here is the answer:
... in addition to using Math Kernel Library Sequential /Qmkl:sequential,... for Runtime library, you have to use /libs:static
Is it possible to include the signature directly within the PDF itself, rather than navigating to different screens for a signature just like signature-pad and other options?
я решил проблему в ручную установив [email protected]
brew tap rbenv/tap
brew install rbenv/tap/[email protected]
и дальше просто повторил команды где у меня возникла эта ошибка
brew tap apple/apple
brew -v install apple/apple/game-porting-toolkit
I can't vote even comment blow the @Mark's answer. That's the great answer and help me out. Thanks!
According to this comment you also need to some stuff inside the buildtools:
Maybe somebody knows the same query for postgres?
I switched to FBXSDK wich solved everything.
Not a solution (since i cannot comment because of rerely used profile), have you got any solution? I wanted to fetch the details of job candidates for a search query.
I just solved the problem. The problem was Express 4.x , now treats app.listen() as an asynchronous operation, so listener.address() will only return data inside of app.listen()'s callback. If I declare port statically,Code going well but it is also not good usage because it still static. Have an any idea to make it dynamic?
@Amit, it works like a charm, to be sure. How to add "Posted by" before the Author's Name? Thanks.
This Odoo data module module will help you:
#odoo18 #datamodel
I’m facing the exact same problem with INAddTasksIntent. I’ve set up AppIntentVocabulary, added alternative app names, and tried other tweaks to improve prompt recognition. However, the prompts are still inconsistent... Sometimes they register, sometimes they don’t. For instance, "Add bacon in AppName" might not work, but "Add bacon and milk in AppName" does. It’s really unpredictable.
When I apply the unique formula to the data obtained as a result of this formula, uniques do not appear, even though the data is double, what could be the reason, even though the number format is automatic? –
the repository is not working :-(
I hope you good And did you fix your bug ? because i have the same rigth now
I also facing the same issue, I think it's because of new Rail 8 use propshaft but active_admin still using sprocket. But haven't come up with any solution yet
Any news on this feature? Is it still true that the API cannot add anchored comments to a Google doc?
Did you find any solution? I am having the same issue.
Can you please provide the solution if we are using Java 17?
I have same problem but when i start docker in local it work and in other machine it doesn't i have added hostname port in docker entrypoint
I have another question on this topic. The SQL query first returns the correct data for a machine. How do I have to change the query if I now add a column with e.g. MachineID to the table? This way I have all machine states in one table.
Many thanks for your support!
Oh Damn, it seems to be a hard challange.
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
[System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::AllScreens |
ForEach-Object { '{0} x {1}' -f $_.Bounds.Width, $_.Bounds.Height }
PS C:\WINDOWS\System32> Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
[System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::AllScreens | ForEach-Object { '{0} x {1}' -f $.Bounds.Width, $.Bounds.Height }
2560 x 1600 2880 x 1620
$height = (((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_VideoController).VideoModeDescription -split '\n')[0] -split ' ')[2]
$width = (((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_VideoController).VideoModeDescription -split '\n')[0] -split ' ')[0]
echo $width, $height
$height = (((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_VideoController).VideoModeDescription -split '\n')[0] -split ' ')1 $width = (((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_VideoController).VideoModeDescription -split '\n')[0] -split ' ')[0] echo $width, $height 1920 1200
in that order:
@mkelement I'll try the third Party later.
Thanks for help till now. Other ideas?
This blog is truly outstanding, offering essential information in a thorough and thoughtful manner. I have great admiration for the effort the author has invested in creating such valuable content. Thank you for sharing this insightful and practical information with us. For an even richer experience and to gain further insights, I highly recommend visiting our website. Keep up the excellent work—I look forward to seeing more of your well-crafted posts in the future. Your commitment to delivering high-quality resources is truly appreciated! Raipur Escorts
You can check this: It displays in a single view all your open issues/PRs/... as well as branches and their statuses. It is hosted in GitHub Pages.
The error is somehow related to the new Android Studio update. Checkout this issue:
This answer can fix your problem:
Excellent article. Currently we cannot create items in workspace using postman. I have one more request like, Can we invoke or trigger the fabric pipeline from postman using access tokens. Please suggest me.
I have submitted my app for production but today no hope it has been 2 month..still it is in review state ..could any one help me to ressolve on it..Im not able to reach the customer support also even..
Facing the same problem version 0.2.2 also didnt work Unhandled Exception: Exception: videoQuality cannot be empty any solutions?
I was trying to upload pic on my cms but after some attempts I receive maximum request length exceeded. I am requesting you please solve my problem
Follow this link:, to get to the eslint-plugin-prettier GitHub repository and you'll find the solution and the reason why this is happening in the README file. Best of luck 🤞
Issues Resolved API required a query parameter of client id.
I also have the same problem, have you solved it ?
May I ask where you called this method? Did I write it the same as you or did it encounter an error
hi im facing this issue where it seems stucks somehow, do u have any idea ? it shows : Prepared 2862 of 2873 files for committing to GitHub.
and stucks few hours already
This sample which uses Syncfusion DocIO library's mailmerge functionality, helps to achieve your requirement
can you have beed fixed this problem? and how to fixed? tanks for your answer.
Please try my way ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
For @componentScan, One of basePackageClasses(), basePackages() or its alias value() must be specified
Fixed & realised, the Primary Server Name is in correct
are you have a result? i also encounter the same question and i have no idea,could you give me a thought?thank you!!!
I needed to update Quarto from the website. As soon as I ran the current version, it moved the table caption location to the top. However, now the table caption can no longer go to the bottom. A possible bug?
Thanks for the in depth analysis of ts-node and Deno @rsp. Really helpful.
වෙරළු ගෙඩිය හරි අටකට කපා ගෙන කොටහක් නොකා දෙගුරුන්ටත් තබාගෙන උන් අපි එදා සත් කුළු පව් විලාසෙන පැල ඉනි වැටට ඇයි අද ඇණ කොටා ගෙන
පොඩි උන් දොහේ මල් මතකය ඉරාගෙන හොඳ හිත ගිහින් උඩු හුලඟට ගසාගෙන // මහගෙයි බිමට තනි උරුමය කියාගෙන සතුරන් වෙලා උනුනට දෙස් තියාගෙන
වෙරළු ගෙඩිය...
තිරිසන් උනෝතින් කිසි හව්හරණ නැති ලන්දක කකා ලන්දක කල් යල් හරිති // එක මිහි සයන කාටත් නිදි සුවය දෙති බිම් පංගුවට ලොල් වී මළගම් නොයති
වෙරළු ගෙඩිය..
did you get the solution to this error.
I think you can follow this guideline
have you ever found the solution?
conectarDb(); date_default_timezone_set('America/Lima'); @mysql_query("ESTABLECER NOMBRES 'utf8'"); ?>
Not sure if this helps in your situation, but I get this error if the WKWebView isn't bound to the app view tree. (If this is your issue too, and you find a fix that isn't binding to the view tree, please let me know)
How safe are extensions in Visual Studio Code?
It's hard to quantify precisely. Anecdotally, the trend over the last 3 to 5 years is moving towards "less safe". (see
Can extensions introduce malware?
Absolutely. It's code someone else wrote, executing on your computer.
Is it safe to install any extension?
Nein. Non. Neel. Nei. Nie. Nej. (Darn. Can't think of any more ways to say no.)
Typical ways extensions are a security threat:
Typo Squatting: where the user installs an extension that looks nearly identical (except for a small typo) to the "official" one
Stolen credentials: there are some known instances of legitimate developers having auth tokens or usernames/passwords stolen via malicious extension
Vulnerable code: some legitimate extensions contain code that has security vulnerabilities - though these are harder to exploit generally
Phoning home: there are also some extensions that do things they should not be doing, like sending network requests to less-than-reputable IP addresses
The real question is, how do you avoid problems with extensions?
Personally, my approach to this is generally to be skeptical by default. If I didn't write the code in question, I want to know where it came from. If where it came from looks odd to me, then I try to find an alternative backed by a trustworthy community or I decide to go without that extension.
If I need a way to do some research on an extension I am interested in, I recently found this: Not every extension has coverage, but it does get me into the headspace of "find out if this is trustworthy".
I also try to remember to use "Lateral Reading" techniques (
For me, this type of thinking applies to code just as much as it applies to other forms of content found online.
How to get player id. Could someone help?
did u fix this problem? same issue
Both change it into int and adding bound check doesn't work for me.
But this work for me:
index &= 134217727u;
One limitation is 134217727u has to be power of 2 minus 1.
Could not resolve
So as @Quikler pointed out on the comment, I needed to use System.Data.SQLite.Core, in my case, more directly [Stub.System.Data.SQLite.Core.NetFramework][1]
Just wanted to point it out that is counter intuitive, since a lot of project use the "Core" keyword to .NetCore Libraries.
In this example, IND_WA is static. Is it possible to dynamically create the IND_WA structure and assign values for update?
@anandhu Have you found a solution? I am running into the same problem rn. Thanks
nm. I got it covered. sorry about it
Can somebody give new answer, matching new Vaadin docs
Is there any advantage or disadvantage to using a prime number as the length of a password? For example use a password that is 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 etc characters long. The AI-driven google search says maybe. I interpret that to mean absolutely not.
I have the same problem, but s3api command as above doesn't work, could you help me please?
I also have this problem, did you fix it?
Very interresting approach, i have a similar issue. My problem is that i need to use sticky-sessions for two upstreams, each having the same number of upstream targets, but i need to have them pairwise. From your example above that would mean that a user is forwarded to server "server1:8080" and "server1:9080" and not to "server2:9080". So some kind of affinity between the upstream hosts. I could not find a way to make this work.
I also want to know the same thing if you find anything regarding this could you please share it with me as well? Thanks
I spent almost half day fixing the similar issue. Turns out I didn't run the commit on the oracle database. This link helped me.
@wimpix - this is the solution I was looking for - do you know if there is a way to save my macro to the personal macro workbook if I previously created it in a regular workbook? Or do I have to record it again?