I am trying to sort our orderby popularity on Nordicgear.dk, but it dosen't seem to work. Any Ideas? i would like to sort by best sellers in all categories. Is that possible?
I encountered the same issue—notifications sent via token work fine, but those sent via topic do not. However, after reinstalling the app, the notifications were successfully delivered. This may be related to the FCM token, though I'm not entirely sure why. Could you try reinstalling the app on your end and let me know if that resolves the issue? I'm also working on identifying the root cause on my side.
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (1.5): resolves the issue?
I'm having the same problem, but the printer I have does not allow to set up a user defined paper size, so nothing seems to help. I've tried out all the possible settings, even bought a new printer of a different brand, also installed it on a different pc to try, and still the same issue everytime! Any other ideas?
Blacklisted phrase (1): I'm having the same problem
@Aaqib Would you kindly inform me which policy you have connected for the service role and the ec2-role? Should I establish two distinct roles, one for ec2 and one for elasticbenstalk?
if anyone have solution of this issue please let me know...
facing same problem environment health check suspended.
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2.5): please let me know
Thanks for your advice. Had the same problem but there was no apps.json under the path.
I found hosts.json and I think it's the same think. The file saved my user and the token for GitHub CoPilot. I deleted the file and voila I can finally sign in to copilot.
Blacklisted phrase (0.5): Thanks
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (3): Thanks for your advice
I have the same problem that I can´t solve. I checked in package.json and axios is included in the latest update. I wonder if the problem is because I have 2 package.json och 2 package-lock.json? axios is only included in the latest package.json version(maybe that is the problem?) Can I delete the old packages.json and package-lock.json and keep only the new ones or do I have to have multiple json-files?
How to install the Mobilevlckit? I tried a lot of times.I am getting Framework 'MobileVLCKit.xcframework' not found this issue. How to fix this could you please share any solution?
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'liveStreamer' do
# Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
pod 'MobileVLCKit', '~> 3.4.0'
# Pods for liveStreamer
target 'liveStreamerTests' do
inherit! :search_paths
# Pods for testing
target 'liveStreamerUITests' do
# Pods for testing
Blacklisted phrase (1.5): any solution
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2.5): could you please share
I've typed your exact formulas into my version of Excel (365) and don't get the same problem. If I use the wildcards it returns yes, if not, it returns no - doing an exact search.
In your image we can't see all the rows. Your countif is for lines 2 through to 7. Is it possible p1234 is appearing further down in the list (say line 6 or 7)?
I have the same issue pgadmin4 version 8.12, I tried to set Results grid from Preferences -> Query Tool -> Results grid -> Columns sized by, but it still looks like the stacked view you shared.
If you have tried all the ways and it still doesn't work, react-router-dom may have the wrong package.json, you need to check whether a second node_modules is created while creating it. This is the reason why I couldn't solve it for a day. If it was created in the parent folder, after deleting it, go to your own file with 'cd file name' and download it again to package.json.
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2): it still doesn't work
Andy Jazz, how could that be integrated into the code? Sorry, for responding to your answer not through a comment, but I can't comment (Stackoverflow doesn't let me, because I don't have enough reputation points).
Blacklisted phrase (1): Stackoverflow
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (1): can't comment
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (1.5): I don't have enough reputation points
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
var application = app.Services.CreateScope().ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();
// Utilizando o migration a execução do container docker não é necessario as linhas abaixo
var pendingMigrations = await application.Database.GetPendingMigrationsAsync();
if (pendingMigrations != null)
await application.Database.MigrateAsync();
Atualize seu arquivo dockerfile confirme codigo abaixo adicionando as linhas do migration
# Esta fase é usada durante a execução no VS no modo rápido (Padrão para a configuração de Depuração)
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:8.0 AS base
USER app
# Esta fase é usada para compilar o projeto de serviço
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:8.0 AS build
COPY ["project/project.csproj", "project/"]
COPY ["Thunders_Repositories/Thunders_Repositories.csproj", "Thunders_Repositories/"]
COPY ["Thunders_Borders/Thunders_Borders.csproj", "Thunders_Borders/"]
COPY ["Thunders_UseCases/Thunders_UseCases.csproj", "Thunders_UseCases/"]
RUN dotnet restore "./project/project.csproj"
COPY . .
WORKDIR "/src/project"
RUN dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
ENV PATH="$PATH:/root/.dotnet/tools"
RUN dotnet build "./project.csproj" -c $BUILD_CONFIGURATION -o /app/build
CMD dotnet ef database update --environment Development --project src/project_Repositories
# Esta fase é usada para publicar o projeto de serviço a ser copiado para a fase final
FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "./project.csproj" -c $BUILD_CONFIGURATION -o /app/publish /p:UseAppHost=false
# Esta fase é usada na produção ou quando executada no VS no modo normal (padrão quando não está usando a configuração de Depuração)
FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "project.dll"]
O codigo abaixo pertence ao docker-compose, atualize o seu conforme necessidade.
I don't see an answer to the original question. I want to use FFMPEG to rewrap .dv files into DV wrapped MOV via -c copy but FFMPEG doesn't automatically write the CLAP atom. That results in the production aperture being displayed. Is there a way to manually specify that FFMPEG insert a clap atom?
I am able to invoke and successfully trigger the LaunchRequest. However, after each user enters the PIN, I am receiving an error message. Instead of routing to the intended handler, the skill is going to InvocationIntent and SessionEndedRequest, and it is not reaching the SessionHandler as expected. How can I resolve this issue? The same skill and code are currently working in production, but they are not functioning in the development or test environment
Sorry, I forgot to attach the rss resource usage picture after the final pressure test, rss occupies 1069m, which is very abnormal. Did the direct memory removal cause a leak? A look at the netty source code found no significant leaks
enter image description here
Blacklisted phrase (1): enter image description here
I stumbled onto this site while trying to find out what reindent was I’m not trying to mess up the conversation on how to apply it in code or whichever that’s way over my head, but could somebody tell me what it is because it follows me from one phone to the next whenever I back up my phone and get a new one is hidden
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2.5): could somebody tell me what
¿Con quién puedo hablar dentro de tu empresa para comentar la posibilidad de que aparezcáis en prensa? Hemos conseguido que negocios como el tuyo sean publicados en periódicos como La Razón o MSN, entre muchos otros (como noticia y no será borrada).
¿Qué consigues con esto?
Incrementar el posicionamiento de tu página web
Reforzar la reputación de tu negocio
Aumentar la confianza que ofrece tu marca en internet
Trabajamos con tarifas desde 99e, sin permanencia y con garantía de devolución por resultados.
Te puedo enseñar ejemplos y casos de éxito en video para que veas cómo funciona.
So what's the recommendation for strict mode after 7.0?
Having a test NOT fail when steps are undefined is very clearly a horrible design. S there a way now to make it fail when the step is undefined, but isn't WIP?
Would you mind sharing a full-screen IDE screenshot with visible .csproj content and NuGet tool window where you are at the moment before pressing "Upgrade"?
Also, what is the TargetFramework for your project, and do you have reasons not to use instead of ?
I get the same error and the tips above help me.
You need just go to Pub/Sub service on interface, select any topic and click in Trigger Cloud Function, if the permissions aren't ok, will look like this:
I am trying to fetch YouTube subtitles using PHP, but I am encountering difficulties. Specifically, I cannot retrieve the subtitles using the typical methods, such as file_get_contents or curl_init. I would like to know how I can manage this process effectively in PHP without relying on those functions.
Additionally, I have created a project in Google Cloud Console and set up the necessary credentials, but I am still not able to retrieve the subtitles from YouTube. I would appreciate any guidance on how to properly configure my PHP code to successfully obtain YouTube subtitles and any steps I may need to follow in the Google Cloud Console to ensure everything is set up correctly.
Thank you for your help!
Blacklisted phrase (0.5): Thank you
Blacklisted phrase (1.5): I would like to know
Blacklisted phrase (1): I am trying to
Blacklisted phrase (0.5): I cannot
Blacklisted phrase (1.5): would appreciate
Whitelisted phrase (-0.5): Thank you for your help
I've got a similar situation, and wondered if you ever got this to work? It seems like a nice simple solution, but I dont want to go down this route if it wont work! Thanks
I have a question regarding GARCH-M. My data consists of 15 years of daily logarithmic returns for OMXH25 (an Index in Finland). I want to perform GARCH-M on my data. I used the code above, but my archm term is negative (-0,17), but it should be positive according to theory about the risk-return relationship. Should i modify the code or just trust my results?
Supondo que você esteja rastreando um usuário associando-o ao ID da sessão após o login:
Se você armazenar todo o estado do lado do cliente em um cookie assinado (mesmo que seja apenas o ID de login, por exemplo), corre o risco de os usuários agirem como outros usuários se suas chaves de assinatura forem comprometidas. Você pode mitigar isso até certo ponto usando uma chave de assinatura separada por usuário, mas agora você precisa usar um cookie para rastrear qual chave de assinatura um usuário está usando. Você também pode tentar usar um esquema temporal para assinar chaves (por exemplo, girá-las a cada 5 minutos), mas agora você está colocando a carga de assinatura em seu servidor para gerar novamente assinaturas de cookies a cada 5 minutos para todas as sessões.
É muito menos intenso computacionalmente, e provavelmente praticamente mais seguro, armazenar um valor de hash computacionalmente difícil como o identificador de sessão no cookie e associar esse valor de hash ao ID do usuário no lado do servidor - você só precisa gerar o hash uma vez e, em seguida, procurá-lo (o que é fácil) cada vez que uma solicitação da web chega.
In the v11 of Grafana, you can now color the all row based on a specific value of this one. You can see this video of the release explaining how to do that : https://youtu.be/PLfADTtCnmg