But Mailer send the email with a SMTP Server, I want open the email app of the phone. Edit And if you look one of my screenshot you will see that it worked on an email app.
did you find any solution
Blacklisted phrase (1.5): any solution
Whitelisted phrase (-1): it worked
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (3): did you find any solution
How to solve this issue, I already port change, ibdata1 file delete, data file copy and rename with data-old and did all that things which one every one said, but my Xampp MySql is also not start in Xampp.
Blacklisted phrase (1): help me
Blacklisted phrase (1): ???
Blacklisted phrase (1): enter image description here
Im using Arch in Wsl2 and I'm getting the same error (installing with yay -S chromium):
❯ chromium
[3335:3335:1025/005623.218894:ERROR:ozone_platform_x11.cc(244)] Missing X server or $DISPLAY
[3335:3335:1025/005623.219001:ERROR:env.cc(258)] The platform failed to initialize. Exiting.
I found this --ozone-platform param that It permit me to open chromium.
And my $DISPLAY = :0
किसी गलत लेनदेन के लिए मीशो से पैसे वापस पाने के लिए, आपको तुरंत पेटीएम के ग्राहक सहायता से संपर्क करना चाहिए: .7407628017 और (24/7 उपलब्ध) समस्या की रिपोर्ट करें । आपके साथ जुड़ने के लिए धन की वसूली में मदद करने के लिए उनके पास प्रक्रियाएँ हैं।...
After many experiments, I have resolved the problem by renaming the function from fetchPrice to getPrice and now it works. I may never know what was wrong in the first place. Maybe a hidden error in the compiled code.
Thank you for all your advice. It helped me to try different solutions, and that's what counts.
Blacklisted phrase (0.5): Thank you
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (3): Thank you for all your advice
As if no one is here to answer this annoying error, I got this error when I tried to import a Gridlayout in xml file using Java language. I think the error is thrown by the .gradle directory and I feel like that kotlin and java must have declared their own gradle directory with their own specific paths in edit system environment! If anyone has experienced the same problem, please share with me, i forgot to point out that when i looked at dependency tree i realized that none of the dependencies resolved (n) and although I forced them to the same version, the error still exists! Hope to hear from someone solving this annoying error🥺
Does anyone know how to design a real tree in kotlin so that when a button is clicked and a text is entered, a branch is created at the end of which the text is written. The tree I would like to make is similar to a bonsai tree
First of all please consider that your buttons should NEVER be children of a. This may solve your problem, also please provide a code snippet and make sure the images are in an accepted format and do not have a background
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2.5): please provide a code
above someone mentioned that knowing the length of the pulse you can calculate the fuel consumption. but how to calculate the amount of fuel injected during this pulse?
Did you find the solution? I am having trouble with it too, im using GeneXus 18 and not only that does not work but when I dont put any ServiceUrl at all and i try to put one on the mobile phone it crashes.
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (3): Did you find the solution
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2): I am having trouble
Low length (0.5):
No code block (0.5):
Contains question mark (0.5):
Single line (0.5):
Starts with a question (0.5): Did you find the solution
Ao tentar desinstalar o Mariadb, recebi um erro... Então utilizei os seguintes comandos para desinstalar (mantendo as bases pq eu queria reinstalar uma versão atualizada).
1 - Pare o serviço MariaDB:
sudo systemctl stop mariadb
2 - Remova os pacotes do MariaDB:
sudo apt-get purge mariadb-server mariadb-client mariadb-common
3- Remova pacotes não utilizados e limpe o cache:
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean
Opcional: Remova os arquivos de configuração e dados do MariaDB (Não fiz ):
sudo rm -rf /etc/mysql/
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/
Esses comandos garantirão que o MariaDB seja completamente removido do seu sistema.
For the code above, do you replace $AndroidSource Folder with a path? Similarly, do you replace $WindowsTargetFolder with a path or keep exactly as written? How do I identify the path of my actual plugged in Android Google Pixel 4a? Lastly, how can I copy over my SMS text messages from Google Pixel 4a into my Windows PC? Is there a way to test this? Even though I backed up my phone (or so I think), the data is super sensitive, and I really want to be sure that the command doesn't delete anything. Thank you in advance!
Blacklisted phrase (0.5): Thank you
Blacklisted phrase (0.5): how can I
Blacklisted phrase (1): How do I
Blacklisted phrase (1): Is there a way
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (3): Thank you in advance
Old post but i've the same error when using venv and "RIO Framework". I I use the same solution (thank TitanFighter) of replacing version 0.0.14 by 0.0.12 and it's work.
cd your venv directory, activate it. A t prompt :
"pip uninstall python-multipart" (it's remove version 0.0.14 of my main python)
"pip install python-multipart" ==> this install version 0.0.12 who work wih Rio.
I am trying to copy to clipboard using df.to_clipboard and paste inside excel, but I need each of my (rows) to have a blank newline underneath, any ideas?
I am looking for exactly the same solution. Keep the real time values for 2 days and then delete it. I am storing the aggregated values for 2 years.
I am using pgAdmin to make a query on the telemetry keys I want to delete after 2 days but am not able to find the right query. Can you point me in the right direction?
Also when I know the query, I can make the pg_cron job. Do you want to share an example of how you solved this?
I had a similar problem in Next.js 14.2.5 and tried various methods without success. I ended up downgrading to 14.1.1, and now the build works fine. If you find a solution for version 14.2.5, please share it
Currently cant comment on the post since I currently dont have enough reputation so I need to ask my questions through here. Will update or delete once I get more information.
Currently the post dosent give some crucial details:
Where are you trying to graph/insert the data? Excel, Python, Google Sheets, Etc. Knowing what system you are using can help narrow down how to best help.
Based on what you wrote I assuming X1 = 0 and Y1 = 2, Y2 = -1, Y3 = 1. Any subsequent value can be calculated roughly with the following function: Y(X)=Y[N+1]+Y[N]+Y[N-1]+Y[N-2]...Y[1] X>= 1 Y>=2 If not, can you explain what the equation is meant to do.
Once this is done I (Or someone else) can better help answering the question.
Blacklisted phrase (0.5): I need
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (1): cant comment
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2.5): can you explain what
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (1.5): dont have enough reputation
I want the json key generated in this to be assigned as the key value in output, however I do not want that metadata field in o/p topic, how can this be achieved?
@XTard I am not getting the option to Opt Out. Has this been removed in the past month or so? Is there any other way to access the Import JSON functionality?
I understand the answer from @artoby, but isn't the linear layer (or feed forward or thinking layer) after the self-attention destroying this information flow as it pulls in information from other tokens to previous token?
I have the same issue - The focus ring should only appear as support for tab key navigation, but not when the user clicks into a form field. I have not found a good solution so far.
Neither solution 1 nor solution 2 help in my case. SSE works fine in the emulator, but does not work on a real Android device. Friends, tell me how to solve the problem.
I had a smiliar problem where tons of error messages were appearing on Phpmyadmin everytime i clicked somewhere, even after i dismissed them all, they would just appear again every time i clicked on something. Crippling my work flow.
i added the following line in the config.inc.php file and that fixed the problem. I couldn't just remove the "//" before it since it wasnt in the file initially.
the line i added:
$cfg['SendErrorReports'] = 'never';
Since i can't upvote yet i needed to answer here.
Credit to @Rbbn for the answer that helped me too.
I encountered the same issue: when I logged out of one app, the Identity Provider (IdP) logged me out as well, while the other app remained logged in. Is this a configuration problem with the first app or the second app?
I'm using this logic, but the collection is not considered during the update. It seems to me, that for attachments the update logic is somehow different. Has anyone experienced the same behavior?
Currently facing the same issue on AKS cluster, we have ARM based node pool image version (AKSUbuntu-2204gen2arm64containerd-202410.09.0) but dockerimage build using AMD64 based agents via CI/CD.
when we tried to troubleshoot found pod logs as mentioned below
"exec /usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh: exec format error"
can anyone help on how to create new nodepool with AMD based OS SKU or how to create dockerfile which support multiple architecture
Note: if buildx is the best solution means kindly let me know how to include it in Github Action workflow step.
"docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t ."
Can't comment yet because of lack of reputation, so I have to write here, it's not an answer but an extension of the question. I am currently trying to figure out the same thing. Is this still unavailable?
Claude suggested me to add the following to my keybindings, which sounds like it should do the trick, but doesn't
I have the very same thing happening to the form that's embedded on Cargo website. Could someone advice on how to make it work? When I tried adding the script function suggested by @davidm_uk, I got an error about 'broken code'.
RegEx Blacklisted phrase (2.5): Could someone advice
If anyone is having the same issue, make sure not to just open the ui file in QtCreator. Open the folder containing the file as a workspace such that QtCreator can configure the project as a Qt 5.xx project. After that, pyuic5 should work as expected.