I'm running Sugar Enterprise v 13.0.3 , exactly same issue, on random users, any idea?
Renaming the header is not an option for us unfortunately. The domain forwarding workaround did also not work for us. Does anyone have another workaround I could try?
I re-posted the issue here: https://vercel.community/t/authorization-header-not-passed-to-serverless-function/1726
Can you deploy the code to codesandbox?
I have the same question with you.Have you solved this problem now?
I have met the same problem, have you solved it?
Посмотрите реализацию здесь, я воспользовался данным классом и все работает https://github.com/OxMohsen/validating-data/blob/main/src/Validate.php
what the mean of intel_iommu=off , why add this parameter
The actual correct answer is to add a @Contract
annotation to the method checking for null.
Credits: How can I make IntelliJ IDEA understand my null-checking method?
Hi may I ask what if I only want to load the index.html but I having a problem is that the router I use in web enviroment the app can not reach that. Are there any solution about this situation?
Hi im trying to do this in my html and js app to make offline routing available any tips on where to start please help
i am looking for the similar solution, could you please share how you have resolved it?
did you find a solution? i got a similar problem
Thanks for your idea Bob, it helps me a lots. I've solved it successfully ^^
in iOS Xcode swift , how to redirect users after they completed google sign_in . I used oauth. I want to redirect the users to my app's tabbar page. give me solutions for what I need to update in app delegate to handle the url , and what I need to write in @inbound action google sign in button . I updated the info.plist .
I am getting what i am looking for by : mapper.readTree(json).path("paths").path( "/v1/test/anySales").path("post").path("requestBody").path("content")
any better approach use path expression
In the past it was trivial to edit formula - you didn't even need to "Show Formulas" (I have been building spreadsheets over four decades, since well before Microsoft introduced Office (Word, Excel, etc.).
- Background (not necessary to read this, but some may find it helpful to understand what I am doing...) I am pulling data from an unstructured data souce with variable number of items per record but I need to process the data in fixed arrays. Anyway, I have parsed each record into a tab "1" "2" "3" and so on.
The sheet I am creating is full of matrix arrays of data and the data is fetched from arrays of data in the worksheet tabs '1' '2' '3' etc. - so there is a massive duplication of arrays of formulae.
I am analyising the data from each record and cross adding for each record.
In each repetition of these arrays I am refrencing the same cell coordinates (such as B3, B4, B5 ... C3, C4, C5 ... etc.
However, they are fetched from different tabs and so after I copy an array, I need to search and replace the worksheet tab names.
So, for example, I need to do search and replace for a block (9 x 16) - 144 elements):
=IF('1'!B$3="","n/a",'1'!B$3) ... =IF('1'!J$3="","n/a",'1'!J$3)
... ...
=IF('1'!B$18="","n/a",'1'!B$18) ... =IF('1'!J$18="","n/a",'1'!J$18)
There are sixteen such blocks (actually 32, for weighting)
If I copy this array and paste 15 times (making 16 identical arrays, each of 144 cells = 2,304 cells.
So, for the second block, I want to do a global search and replace of the part of the forulae that calls up sub-worksheet 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 16 for each of the 16 blocks.
So, the string I am searching for is '1' - to be replaced by '2' for the second block - by '3' for the third block, and so on.
I have done this kind of mass replacement of elements within a formula - but this does not seem to be possible anymore - not at least any method I have tried so far.
In the past it was possible to do this without clicking on [Show Formulas] - but I have tried to do it without showing formulas and when showing formulas - but it makes no difference - I always get the same response:
This spreadsheet is not protected in any way.
Can anyone suggest a soliution to replace '1' with (say) '9' in the above arrays of formulae?
@Jeremy - From where this "useGLTF" is imported. I am also stuck in the same scenario.
Why are you setting value of "pref.biometric_enable" in onNavigationItemSelected? Aren't you already doing it in setOnToggledListener?
Did you find a solution? In my case the "{ASSEMBLY NAME}.styles.css" is generated, but it is an html file instead of a css file.
"@opentelemetry/exporter-prometheus": "^0.54.0" seems to solve the issue.
Thanks for the genious reverse engineering and solution @Thomas Hilbert. Also thanks @Mo enen for the correct event.
hi sir I have the same problem with dompdf version 3.0.0 but I cant find this dompdf/include/text_renderer.cls.php file can any help me
Blockchain Customer Care: Where Crypto Knowledge Meets Expert Guidance
See sample code here. Just need mimetype and URI.
@derHugo How to reverse trail redener when collion with wall ?
The system won't let me comment because I'm a new user. So submitting an answer to comment about the post.
If I'm understanding correctly, you are using this package:
Here, you can see the modifications to the User model, I can't see if you did that. Also did you configure auth.php to use the jwt driver for api guard?
www.trust-reality.in Who is the owner of this in Gurgaon? Please tell me
Just use 100dvh, instead of 100vh
im very new to this sql thing but i just changed my port from 3306 to 3307 and its works
Please change the xpath selector to class selector as documented in the selenium newest documentation. I have the same error and that solved my problem <3
if it is in file system how to troubleshoot it please guide me
I have spec file which has analysis as follows:
# Generate Analysis and EXE objects for each script
analyses = []
exes = []
for script in script_names:
analysis, exe = create_analysis_exe(script)
# Combine binaries and datas from all analyses to avoid duplication
all_binaries = []
all_zipfiles = []
all_datas = []
for analysis in analyses:
all_binaries += analysis.binaries
all_zipfiles += analysis.zipfiles
all_datas += analysis.datas
and I am using collect as follows:
coll = COLLECT(
*exes, # Add all EXEs
name='_global' # Adjust output name as needed
but somehow it's overwriting some dependencies information i think, which is why the exe's don't work as they should.
If i create exes with separate spec file, i get individual exe and it's dependencies folder. I am looking for a way to have a single dependencies folder as mentioned above.
Can someone please suggest a way to achieve this or let me know if it is not doable at all?
I have Updated the packed in the file, and it worked
Could you explain more the steps you did to solve the issue?
The best alternative is to use Fluxor https://github.com/mrpmorris/Fluxor instead of MediatR
@Thomas Farrar, same issue with flextable but solved by installing knitr, systemfonts, gdtools --> flextable 0.9.7 successfully. Thanks for sharing.
я тоже помучился и нашёл выход , py.exe -m venv venv и все заработала,
I'm facing same error here and wasted about 2 days exploring why it's not working
TimesWasting - if you use TinyMCE how did you stop the "data-contrast" being pasted in?
Ctrl + R -> //.* -> Replace enter image description here
I had the same problem and raised the issue to their support team but they said that my answer is still wrong, please let me know if you figured it out!
@Juergen looking for pre-sales/support answers on aircable[dot]co Please reply to recent emails re: Are products still available. Thx
Did you solved it? if so, would you share the answer?
Se você está tentando modificar a propriedade Font.Bold=False de um controle, faça o seguinte:
'se o objeto que deseja alterar não estiver dentro de um Frame, é só retirar a instrução 'frame1'
For Each objecto In UserForm1.frame1.Controls
objecto.Font.Weight = 400
I am still facing this issue. Can someone help me out with this?
do you maybe solve the problem ? i have the same problem but i dont see really some solutions
have you found any other solutions for this problem? I'm facing the same problem and I really don't want to downgrade to mongoose 5.
@SIGHUP , how do i know i can do it in a more pythonic way? and how do i learn those pythonic ways?
Have you fixed this issue? Cause I'm having the exact same one.
Im working on some like that, I have two fields but I want to get options dynamically from the Keycloak API, I think that a custom SPI should to solve it but I don't know how can Implement the SPI.
Buzinaaaaaaaa melhor do mundo!
This resolved my issue. Great script!
Same problem, couldn't find a solution
If your question is "How can I declare X without initializing it", then you can simple put Shader shader
as a member anywhere in the Engine class. Though I suspect you are asking about something more complicated, please elaborate.
You should return a 200 to Stripe. Otherwise, Stripe will continue to retry sending the event to your endpoint.
The same problem here, after several tests, I saw that it doesn't really appear in autoplay videos without controls, even without audio, and just on iPhones, apparently on Android devices nothing has changed. I hope this is a temporary bug and it works again soon as many sites may be affected by this.
Anyway, could you share the link to the website with a working video in the background? This could help us to investigate the difference, since all the sites I know that have autoplay videos, show the same problem.
Setting I don't know why but when I enable REPLSmart Send, the problem is solved.
I have the same problem. I followed your instruction, but unfortunately it doesn't work in my project. I think I could enter the wrong path to my image or maybe uncomment the wrong line in the code. Could you help me? Here is the image of settings.js and my directory. settings.js my image directory
Please follow this link it might be helpful - https://help.elegantthemes.com/en/articles/3030197-how-to-enable-products-and-other-post-types-in-divi-s-search-module
What is the innodb_buffer_pool_size value in? Pages? Bytes? Kilobytes?
Use the below shell script to migrate all code-commit repositories to github.
Refer the link below, steps are mentioned in the script and it is interactive as well.
Can you please explain the row put (&vName) (~) @; I don't undestand the syntax
ANd how do I get i header row with column names, also with double quotation marks
And lastly, I have to make an export where every missing value should write "NA"
Is it posisble?
Can you just add an additional docs directory? This allows for a second "site."
This is called a docs "multi-instance."
Follow this: Is there a way to have two docs in Docusaurus 2?
There's official documentation for this, too: https://docusaurus.io/docs/docs-multi-instance
thanks to your advices, I have done a recursive function. here it is, I know it's not perfect, but if someone gets to have the same problem, here what worked for me
function Recursive-FolderSearch {
param (
foreach ($Path in $Paths) {
if ((Test-Path $Path -PathType Container) -and (Split-Path $Path -Leaf) -match '^\d{4}-\d{2}$') {
$folderDays = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Attributes Directory
foreach ($folderDay in $folderDays) {
if ($folderDay.Name -match '^\d{2}$') {# if folder respect format DD
# concat folder AAAA-MM and folder format DD to get complete date
$dateDossier = [datetime]::ParseExact("$(Split-Path $Path -Leaf)-$($folderDay.Name)", "yyyy-MM-dd", $null)
if ($dateDossier -lt $expiredDate) { #compare folder date with actual date
# then suppress folder if older than requested
Remove-Item -Path $folderDay.FullName -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Supprimer le dossier AAAA-MM s'il est vide
if (-not (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )) { #| Where-Object { $_. PSIsContainer -eq $true }
Remove-Item -Path $Path -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
elseif (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container) {
$subDirs = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Attributes Directory -Force
foreach ($subDir in $subDirs) {
Recursive-FolderSearch -Paths $subDir.FullName $expiredDate
Have you managed to solve this issue? I'm working on a similar problem and I'm having the same problems as you.
The OTEL Autoinstrumentation performs the context extraction and I can see the traces from the clients emitted but I couldn't get a hold of the trace in the application.
Thank you!
I know this post is a year old now, but no answer has been marked so I thought I'd add to this rather than raise a new question. I'm using Visual Studio 2019 Pro, and have a Windows Form app (.NET 5). I have added the Microsoft.Web.WebView2 nuget package, but the webview2 component is not in the toolbox. If I right click on the toolbox and go to Choose Items, the WebView2 .NET Framework Component is in the list and ticked, but it's still not showing. I have tried installing numerous different versions of the nuget package but to no avail. Not quite sure where to go from here. Does anyone have any ideas?
Hi I have the same warnings. Did you find the solution?
I then ran the output through a program that removed repeating spaces and that solved all of the problems.
Can you please help me with the piece of code.How to do this for gz file.
Is there an event for Per-App Language change feature from here?
Did you find any solution? I've the similar need to crawl secured structured, unstructured content.
Thanks, Ashwani Sahni
Any updates on this? I have the sampe problem...
Thank you for posting this answer, it's appreciated! Do you know how I can also pull in the product prices next to the titles in the dropdown?
Can it be packed normally? You can send a private message, I can help you take a look here
this is answered in this forum thread. In order to enable the debug logging, can take a look here: https://forum.cockroachlabs.com/t/getting-issue-in-cockroach-db-cluster/6152
Any luck ? I'm having the same issue with the generic failure.
sorry for reviving this old issue .. but I started to see the same issue one one of my dev machines. The same multi-project Gradle structure works fine on one machine .. and fails on the other.
The above comment mentions symlink ... but I am not using symlinks (at least not on purpose), plus I am seeing this issue on windows ...
Any ideas?
Solved by checking this issue: https://github.com/boto/boto3/issues/3015
Try to install a dependance of @material-tailwind :
npm i @types/[email protected]
Follow this link : [githbub :Can't resolve '@material-tailwind/react][1]
This is how I implemented site-to-site on pfsense, maybe you can adapt from here https://merox.dev/blog/tailscale-site-to-site/ or of this guy video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg_jIPVcioY
can the app be successfully packaged?
We have the same problem in expo 51, but only with gallery picker file sending. The problem can be replicated with local build pointing to prod API. We tried :
We think that the request cannot be sended.
Facing same CORS issue but only in production that too for some devices. Tried resolving this and searched for solutions but failed to resolve issue. Cant able to see any solution to this issue
You can find a complete example running on FlutterFlow here : https://app.flutterflow.io/project/a-r-flutter-lib-ipqw3k
I want to be able to double click to open my saved queries from my File Explorer into the current SQL environment I have open. Not a new damn instance.
I don't have enough reputation to comment, hence adding it as an answer.
@llermaly, from what I gather as per the reindex documentation, " Reindexing from remote clusters does not support manual or automatic slicing."
So, was this question answered? Even I have a similar requirement.
this.Controls.SetChildIndex(this.lblBrandProduct, 0); is not genrated in Windows form for all the fields when i try to add a new form with new fields.Please help me on this
I already tried with custom classloader, it is dynamically adding into classpath, it is resolving the class cast exception but it is not loading all the classes from the jar files as it is calling a class from another jar file. and then it is giving me NoClassDefFoundError. Please give me suggestions to dynamically load all the classes from the jarfiles in java17?
"rules": { "no-nested-ternary": "off" }
so just came across your post, we had some queries regarding sso and scim, since you are also doing sso(using openid) and scim, what is your approach, we do the following
Let me know if the same approach you follow, and let me know what we are following is a proper approcah, as i couldnt find any documentation or steps on how to use both together,
thanks in advance
German instructions found here: https://www.flutter.de/artikel/flutter-assets-bilder-sound-verwenden English instructions: not yet found.
I amended this line of code msk = [isinstance(row, float) for row in df['latitude'].tolist()]
to msk = df['latitude'].isnull().tolist()
which essentially identifies those rows that have NaN values in the latitude column that I wanted to update. Thank you for the advice from @Anerdw.
You can run PyTorch using ROCm for AMD gpu accelerated learning now, via ubuntu
The information provided is insuffucient, first off, start by providing entire source code if you have it, second, the address you provided maybe randomized depending if PIE is enabled or not, so the data you provided maybe incorrect. Please provide the entire source code so that we can work on it and solve your issue.
I am trying to use the two Anova with replication and this error message was displayed. Error in lm.fit(x, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) : NA/NaN/Inf in 'y' In addition: Warning message: In storage.mode(v) <- "double" : NAs introduced by coercion Please I need help to interpret this message
I had same problem, but I created jax-ws-catalog.xml in my project and solved error. https://stackoverflow.com/a/34547520
could you please let me know what I am doing wrong in the following task?
What is wrong with my code? I can't find the issue and I tried everything I possible knew.
import pandas as pd
clean_data = pd.read_csv('production_data.csv')
clean_data['batch_id'] = clean_data['batch_id'].dropna() # Ensure no missing values
clean_data['production_date'] = pd.to_datetime(clean_data['production_date'], errors='coerce').dt.date clean_data['production_date'] = clean_data['production_date'].fillna(pd.to_datetime("2023-01-01").date())
clean_data['raw_material_supplier'] = clean_data['raw_material_supplier'].replace({1: 'national_supplier', 2: 'international_supplier'}).fillna('national_supplier') clean_data['raw_material_supplier'] = clean_data['raw_material_supplier'].str.lower().str.strip()
clean_data['pigment_type'] = clean_data['pigment_type'].fillna('other') clean_data.loc[~clean_data['pigment_type'].isin(['type_a', 'type_b', 'type_c']), 'pigment_type'] = 'other' clean_data['pigment_type'] = clean_data['pigment_type'].str.lower().str.strip()
clean_data['pigment_quantity'] = clean_data['pigment_quantity'].fillna(clean_data['pigment_quantity'].median()).clip(lower=1, upper=100).astype(float)
clean_data['mixing_time'] = clean_data['mixing_time'].fillna(clean_data['mixing_time'].mean()).astype(float)
clean_data['mixing_speed'] = clean_data['mixing_speed'].fillna('Not Specified') clean_data.loc[~clean_data['mixing_speed'].isin(['Low', 'Medium', 'High']), 'mixing_speed'] = 'Not Specified' clean_data['mixing_speed'] = clean_data['mixing_speed'].str.capitalize().str.strip()
clean_data['product_quality_score'] = clean_data['product_quality_score'].fillna(clean_data['product_quality_score'].mean()).clip(lower=1, upper=10).astype(float)
print(clean_data.info()) print(clean_data.isna().sum())enter image description here