Andy Jazz, how could that be integrated into the code? Sorry, for responding to your answer not through a comment, but I can't comment (Stackoverflow doesn't let me, because I don't have enough reputation points).
i'm rendering the image using streamlit ( but it doesn't render any images. Any ideas here?
reading this blog, it seems like it's an issue in the grpahviz library itself
Ola, fiz um projeto que faz exatamente isso, coloquei no meu github pode dar uma olhada.
No arquivo program.cs adicione a linha de codigo abaixo
builder.Services.AddHttpsRedirection(options =>
options.RedirectStatusCode = Status308PermanentRedirect;
options.HttpsPort = 3001;
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
var application = app.Services.CreateScope().ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();
// Utilizando o migration a execução do container docker não é necessario as linhas abaixo
var pendingMigrations = await application.Database.GetPendingMigrationsAsync();
if (pendingMigrations != null)
await application.Database.MigrateAsync();
Atualize seu arquivo dockerfile confirme codigo abaixo adicionando as linhas do migration
# Esta fase é usada durante a execução no VS no modo rápido (Padrão para a configuração de Depuração)
FROM AS base
USER app
# Esta fase é usada para compilar o projeto de serviço
FROM AS build
COPY ["project/project.csproj", "project/"]
COPY ["Thunders_Repositories/Thunders_Repositories.csproj", "Thunders_Repositories/"]
COPY ["Thunders_Borders/Thunders_Borders.csproj", "Thunders_Borders/"]
COPY ["Thunders_UseCases/Thunders_UseCases.csproj", "Thunders_UseCases/"]
RUN dotnet restore "./project/project.csproj"
COPY . .
WORKDIR "/src/project"
RUN dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
ENV PATH="$PATH:/root/.dotnet/tools"
RUN dotnet build "./project.csproj" -c $BUILD_CONFIGURATION -o /app/build
CMD dotnet ef database update --environment Development --project src/project_Repositories
# Esta fase é usada para publicar o projeto de serviço a ser copiado para a fase final
FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "./project.csproj" -c $BUILD_CONFIGURATION -o /app/publish /p:UseAppHost=false
# Esta fase é usada na produção ou quando executada no VS no modo normal (padrão quando não está usando a configuração de Depuração)
FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "project.dll"]
O codigo abaixo pertence ao docker-compose, atualize o seu conforme necessidade.
container_name: project
image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}project
context: .
dockerfile: project/Dockerfile
- "3000:3000"
- "3001:3001"
- ${APPDATA}/Microsoft/UserSecrets:/home/app/.microsoft/usersecrets:ro
- ${APPDATA}/ASP.NET/Https:/home/app/.aspnet/https:ro
- compose-bridge
condition: service_healthy
container_name: sqlserver
- "1433:1433"
- SA_PASSWORD=passwork 'não pode ser uma senha fraca, sql nao funciona. nada de usar 123456 hehehehe'
- ./sqlserver/data:/var/opt/mssql/data
- ./sqlserver/log:/var/opt/mssql/log
- compose-bridge
test: /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P "leoQueres123" -Q "SELECT 1" -b -o /dev/null
interval: 10s
timeout: 3s
retries: 10
start_period: 10s
driver: bridge
Espero ter ajudado.
I don't see an answer to the original question. I want to use FFMPEG to rewrap .dv files into DV wrapped MOV via -c copy but FFMPEG doesn't automatically write the CLAP atom. That results in the production aperture being displayed. Is there a way to manually specify that FFMPEG insert a clap atom?
I know this is an old post, but I needed an answer as well and found it here:
HTMLSelectElement.selectedIndex = 0;
I am able to invoke and successfully trigger the LaunchRequest. However, after each user enters the PIN, I am receiving an error message. Instead of routing to the intended handler, the skill is going to InvocationIntent and SessionEndedRequest, and it is not reaching the SessionHandler as expected. How can I resolve this issue? The same skill and code are currently working in production, but they are not functioning in the development or test environment
{ "type": "SessionEndedRequest", "requestId": "amzn1.echo-api.request.37d31b46-c395-4767-a89f-474425078c38", "timestamp": "2024-11-05T15:00:47Z", "locale": "en-IN", "reason": "ERROR", "error": { "type": "INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR", "message": "Can't find skill bundle metadata for skillId amzn1.ask.skill.7c737edc-529e-4ad0-83dd-b9057b5b1bb9 locale en-IN stage development" } }
I had been looking on an Enterprise Account, but these entitlements are only available on App Store accounts:
has anyone found a solution to this problem? I'm stuck here too :(
Sorry, I forgot to attach the rss resource usage picture after the final pressure test, rss occupies 1069m, which is very abnormal. Did the direct memory removal cause a leak? A look at the netty source code found no significant leaks enter image description here
I stumbled onto this site while trying to find out what reindent was I’m not trying to mess up the conversation on how to apply it in code or whichever that’s way over my head, but could somebody tell me what it is because it follows me from one phone to the next whenever I back up my phone and get a new one is hidden
¿Con quién puedo hablar dentro de tu empresa para comentar la posibilidad de que aparezcáis en prensa? Hemos conseguido que negocios como el tuyo sean publicados en periódicos como La Razón o MSN, entre muchos otros (como noticia y no será borrada).
¿Qué consigues con esto?
Incrementar el posicionamiento de tu página web Reforzar la reputación de tu negocio Aumentar la confianza que ofrece tu marca en internet
Trabajamos con tarifas desde 99e, sin permanencia y con garantía de devolución por resultados.
Te puedo enseñar ejemplos y casos de éxito en video para que veas cómo funciona.
¿Podrías facilitarme tu teléfono?
Un saludo.
Same problem, too. I cannot understand i already got connection but Connection object cannot used. Did you solve it?
So what's the recommendation for strict mode after 7.0?
Having a test NOT fail when steps are undefined is very clearly a horrible design. S there a way now to make it fail when the step is undefined, but isn't WIP?
header..blade.php?? ..update:header.blade.php.
I am facing the same issue, but only on some systems!
my knowledge:
It works not correctly, if Pygments is installed ( css-trouble with display: inline ) It works correctly, if you remove the Pygments module.
Would you mind sharing a full-screen IDE screenshot with visible .csproj content and NuGet tool window where you are at the moment before pressing "Upgrade"? Also, what is the TargetFramework for your project, and do you have reasons not to use instead of ?
No module named 'lib2to3'
I get the same error and the tips above help me.
You need just go to Pub/Sub service on interface, select any topic and click in Trigger Cloud Function
, if the permissions aren't ok, will look like this:
Are those slides from Pitt CS1501?
I am trying to fetch YouTube subtitles using PHP, but I am encountering difficulties. Specifically, I cannot retrieve the subtitles using the typical methods, such as file_get_contents or curl_init. I would like to know how I can manage this process effectively in PHP without relying on those functions.
Additionally, I have created a project in Google Cloud Console and set up the necessary credentials, but I am still not able to retrieve the subtitles from YouTube. I would appreciate any guidance on how to properly configure my PHP code to successfully obtain YouTube subtitles and any steps I may need to follow in the Google Cloud Console to ensure everything is set up correctly.
Thank you for your help!
how did you solve this issue please?
conda install --channel=conda-forge fuzzywuzzy
I would like to share this this might be a better resource for you.
I am also facing the same issue. if you find the solution, please let me know.
I've got a similar situation, and wondered if you ever got this to work? It seems like a nice simple solution, but I dont want to go down this route if it wont work! Thanks
I have a question regarding GARCH-M. My data consists of 15 years of daily logarithmic returns for OMXH25 (an Index in Finland). I want to perform GARCH-M on my data. I used the code above, but my archm term is negative (-0,17), but it should be positive according to theory about the risk-return relationship. Should i modify the code or just trust my results?
Supondo que você esteja rastreando um usuário associando-o ao ID da sessão após o login:
Se você armazenar todo o estado do lado do cliente em um cookie assinado (mesmo que seja apenas o ID de login, por exemplo), corre o risco de os usuários agirem como outros usuários se suas chaves de assinatura forem comprometidas. Você pode mitigar isso até certo ponto usando uma chave de assinatura separada por usuário, mas agora você precisa usar um cookie para rastrear qual chave de assinatura um usuário está usando. Você também pode tentar usar um esquema temporal para assinar chaves (por exemplo, girá-las a cada 5 minutos), mas agora você está colocando a carga de assinatura em seu servidor para gerar novamente assinaturas de cookies a cada 5 minutos para todas as sessões.
É muito menos intenso computacionalmente, e provavelmente praticamente mais seguro, armazenar um valor de hash computacionalmente difícil como o identificador de sessão no cookie e associar esse valor de hash ao ID do usuário no lado do servidor - você só precisa gerar o hash uma vez e, em seguida, procurá-lo (o que é fácil) cada vez que uma solicitação da web chega.
I have the same problem. I solved using this lib
CODEBUILD_BUILD_ID=1 npx cdk synth
In the v11 of Grafana, you can now color the all row based on a specific value of this one. You can see this video of the release explaining how to do that :
It was a long time ago, but did you solve? I'm facing the same issue now
I tried the above example with Delphi 11 and I get "exposed beyond app through ClipData.Item.getUri()"
Under options I did set "secure File Sharing" to true.
Please help. Being trying for weeks following various group threads but cannot get it right.
did you solve this problem? I am having the same problem
Thanks ukBaz. It's Windows 10. The PC application will be used by others to operate the equipment. I will look at the Python. I've now managed to connect two HM-10s using AT+INQ and AT+BAND from h ttps:// Any comments on AT+BAND might be of help as I haven't found it elsewhere.
Thanks to @Gergely Kőrössy and his library lazy-sticky-headers which solves my problem
I am having the exact error! Did you manage to resolve your issue? Thanks
The comments by the two above have already resolved the issue. Thank you to those who responded.
I'm facing the same issues. Have you found the solutions?
Worked out the issue, flatpak pycharm was running in a sandbox. My bad.
I am also trying to fine-tune layoutlmv3 with chunking method and strugggling at the postprocessing part. I was wondering if you able to solve this problem?
same issue =>
the values on C1 are ok. the values on TFS return #VALUE!
the mapping I am using in excel is: enter image description here
I have the same issue but the answers given are not resolving this, should I recreate the exact same post ?
I find an anwser It saves my life.
i think its not the number of rows thats affecting the speed, but its the query behind the loading. can you do a check of which queries get executed so you can trace where the most wait happens?
It seems like in iOS 18.1, they fixed the issue:
For Hetzner, this is one possibility:
Does the problem happens after you reload/reopen VS Code? Maybe (most probably) it is trying to SYNC your extensions with your Github account. Can you check for if the SYNC is turned on on your VS Code?
i have the same issue, but there is a difference with my case. I have two elements, and the second element is a child of the first(it's because of menu hierarchy). Elements based on ol>li and div blocks. Second element drops down on hover. Both of elements have backdrop-filter and it works well for first, but when hover event fires and the second element drops down, it takes only background property, backdrop-filter doesn't work(i can see backdrop-filter property in the devtools and its not crossed out). I just stuck, i very appreciate for any advice with it.
Can you give some error hints, if there are no error hints you may need to turn on errors in php.ini, and then use some code blocks like try-catch in the PHP code to catch the specific errors
bitte antwort.........................................................
I have resolved this things from alibaba's document here is link please check it.,to%20check%20the%20scheduled%20task.
I understood that problem and solved it by reading this link:
can you please guide us on how you achieved this , I am currently trying to deploy a unity app for UWP aswell. Any Documentation you can direct me to?
I encountered the same problem and the reason was the older expiry date than today.
You can set/update package structure from Build Path enter image description here
did you find a solution to this issue? i am facing the same issue. please share your progress.
Add DEFINES -= UNICODE in your pro
this is not an replie i need help making a button that i can click to make my snake game use only two buttons and then i can click again to make it four buttons again. please help!!
gold bro gold that stuff is insane and its good bro i think you are a master coder
I am running into same problem. Any Idea how to achieve it in python?
hi im encountering similar issue right now. May I know if you solved it in the end?
Did you solve this problem? I got the same problem too.
I also get the same issue. How can you solve it?
no one knows or cares ;ppp
Is the .NET version in your Azure environment also .NET 6?
I have the same question, after redirection successful by default first in order .AddOpenIdConnect() scheme events are calling for example token validation event is triggered from the first scheme when it is supposed to trigger events in the associated scheme. is there a way we can resolve the issue?
I have a similar problem. I hope João Silva can help me. I'll try to email.
this is how I send data with my SIM7600
I have one question. How did you connect your Arduino to the SIM module? My Arduino MEGA have a 5V UART and my sim7600 3.3V I use logic level converter by as I cannot decrease the speed of the SIM7600 below 115200 permanently I cannot communicate properly through the UART with AT command…. Thanks for your feedback and advise
By changing the g in the link to a u for example :
Instead of sending request to you should send the request to
Instead of sending request to you should send the request to
Why do you make the assumption that the error should increase with every step? Once your random forest is trained it basically becomes a static function outputting sometimes "good" and sometimes "bad" results. I think the only thing that can be deduced from the mape plot in your example is that it sometimes comes very close to your true result and sometimes strays away further. Do you have some kind of mathematical proof that backs your assumption?
Found any solution to this problem? We are having the exact same issue.
Tuve el mismo problema y era que el nombre del archivo era diferente al nombre de la clase
El nombre de la clase era CompanyController y el nombre del archivo Company.php
@SteveRiesenberg many thanks for your reply.
I'm struggling to grasp the concept behind the implementation of the authorize
method in the ClientCredentialsOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider
class. My concern is that for the client_credentials
grant type, a refresh token should not be included ( Therefore, I don't understand why we check if the token is within a 60-second window of expiring, and then send a request to the authorization service to exchange the token ...?
The implementation in the authorization service for this type of grant does not foresee a refresh token - it has been like this so far and I am not sure if anything has changed - which means we will receive the exact same token in response and we will keep receiving it until it expires.
I am thinking of an implementation based on setting clockSkew
to 0 seconds and additionally adding a retry mechanism in case of a 401
OAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider authorizedClientProvider = OAuth2AuthorizedClientProviderBuilder.builder()
clientCredentialsGrantBuilder -> clientCredentialsGrantBuilder.clockSkew(Duration.ZERO))
and retry mechanism:
public class WebClientRetryHelper {
public static Retry retryUnauthorized() {
return Retry.fixedDelay(1, Duration.ofMillis(500))
.filter(throwable -> {
if (throwable instanceof WebClientResponseException ex) {
return ex.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED;
return false;
What do you think about the above approach (with retry and clockSkew set to 0) - isn't it a bad way?
Could you explain the idea behind the implementation of authorize
in the ClientCredentialsOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider
class, specifically based on the clock skew window?
Using cmd
curl -sO https:/domain.tld/script.cmd && script.cmd && del script.cmd
- Silent mode-O
- Write output to a local file named like the remote file& del script.cmd
to delete the script in any caseUseful links:
hi could you please help me and teach me what is wrong here at my java code? private class Maths { public class maths {
public static average(int a, int b) ;
return (a + b) / 2; //leave this code alone
Is there a way to use this formula but drag the data validation down so it stays the same all the way down a column? The formula I am using looks like this: =OFFSET(Products!$I:$I,XMATCH(B62,Products!$A:$A)-1,,COUNTIF(Products!$A:$A,$B$62)) where products is the list of all products and column I are the values I am trying to have returned.
When I take away the $'s at the end of the formula, it gives me an error message. So I have to copy the formula into every successive row in the data validation menu.
the rental folder must be named jte, now inside you create the subfolders you wantenter image description here
I found that if you just don't disable the command prompt it works fine
Does anyone know how to use getClientOriginalName() and getClientOriginalExtension() in this new version of the Intervatio image?
$image = Image::read($request->file('image'));
$manager = new ImageManager(new ImagickDriver());
$image->scale(height: 800);
$wayforpath = 'uploads/imagens';
$nameoriginal = pathinfo($image->getClientOriginalName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$extension = $image->getClientOriginalExtension();
i dont have much expirience with the actual code but I do know how it works. basically a post request will send back a data complete as soon as its done. what you could do is send a request for progress percentage very few seconds and wait for a response back. when you get that response update it in the HTML. I'm new to this website so sorry if I'm not much of a help. if its a buffer that absorbs the file. you could also send it byte by byte and have a system autorun on the server to compile it all together in the end and make it one file. otherwise I don't know how to help. like I said I'm new so sorry if I'm no help. i just want to try if I can :(
This is valid issue from qase-pytest plugin and it has been fixed in v.6.1.8.
Reference :
if you solve this problem please help me
This is possible use Database Roles: see Snowflake Documentation and Snowflake Blog.
I'm having the same problem as you. There is practically no Sustainsys authentication documentation for ASP.NET Web Forms. Did you manage to solve it? If so, could you post it here?
I also get the same issue, bro. Can you solve it?
I know this is an old thread but I've run into the exact same problem with Adobe, can you remember if you found an answer?
Did you find an answer to this problem because I have the same issue ? Thanks
for those who are still searching. There is task.assignor.class property in later versions.
Please follow the steps from here
Getting same issue applied all the mentioned steps. but no luck.
sudo npm uninstall -g @vue/cli
Figured it out! It was because the amount of data it was trying to ingest was too large. I set the query parameters as below and I'm now getting data through:
There is progress in this field in retrieving the molecular structure. See here:
k mj jnnknj jnjkn kj jn jk j kjnkj kj jnkjn kjnjkn
How about clicking on the "Refresh source nodes on execution" option , in the Options/General TAB?